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KW Peace

KW Palestine Solidarity Day, Sunday 28 July 2024 at Carl Zehr Square

What: KW Palestine Solidarity Day
When: Sunday 28 July 2024 from 1:00pm to 9:00pm
Where: Carl Zehr Square, Kitchener City Hall
Location: 200 King Street West, Kitchener Map
Online: Instagram @kwpalestinefestival

The 3rd annual KW Palestine Festival introduces Solidarity Day: The World Stands with Palestine♦

Hosted by Sporas Scattered and the Palestinian Youth Movement.

Due to the ongoing genocide in Gaza, we have changed the nature of this event from one of celebration to one of commemoration. Through this event, we hope to raise funds to support those in Gaza facing hardship and raise awareness of the Palestinian cause. As a Solidarity event, we seek to foster connections with our community and allies, uniting people who have been directly or indirectly affected by the current events. This is a safe space to express and connect with Palestine culture and tradition.


2:00 PM Opening Remarks & Drumming Circle by Landback
2:30 PM Palestinian Poetry Performance
3:00 PM Palestine Trivia with Prizes
3:45 PM Irish Ceili Dance Teach-in
4:30 PM Palestinian Folklore Performance
6:30 PM Asala Dabke
7:00 PM Mustafa Al-Azzawi
8:00 PM Mawtini Performance

KW Habilitation

MP Mike Morrice Visits KW Habilitation Canada Summer Jobs Students

♦MP Mike Morrice standing next to Colby Switzer (CSJ Student), with Ann Bilodeau, CEO of KW Habilitation, and Stacey Mitchell, Manager of Community & Employment Supports at KW Habilitation.

On Tuesday, July 23rd, Member of Parliament (MP) Mike Morrice came by to visit KW Habilitation. Here, he took the time to get to know our Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) staff and learn more about upcoming initiatives at KW Habilitation (KWH).

Every summer, as a recipient of federal funding, KW Habilitation gets a visit from the current MPs to connect with our summer staff members about their goals, what they are doing in the role, and ask whether there is anything the MPs can do for them. It is also a time that the current MPs can share updates on funding like why we got what we did, and what the next plans for funding initiatives are. We were pleased to have Mike Morrice come visit us! 

“It is important for the staff to have the opportunity to ask questions and share their thoughts on the current climate,” says Stacey Mitchell, Manager of Community & Employment Supports at KW Habilitation, “In speaking with Colby Switzer (one of the CSJ staff at KWH) afterwards, he was thankful for the time with MP Morrice.”

Thank you Mike Morrice for the kind words and the great visit! 

The post MP Mike Morrice Visits KW Habilitation Canada Summer Jobs Students appeared first on KW Habilitation.

KW Peace

KW Vegfest, Saturday 27 July 2024 at Waterloo Public Square

What: KW VegFest
When: 2:00pm to 7:00pm, Saturday 27 July 2024
Where: Waterloo Public Square Map
Location: 75 King Street
Website: kwvegfest.ca/
Contact: kwvegfest@gmail.com

Waterloo Region Climate Initiatives Presents

Kitchener Waterloo VegFest
  • Free Face Painting (2:30pm – 5:30pm)
  • Sweet and Savoury Sustainable Food From Around the World
  • Free Samples
  • Free Raffle
  • Climate and Health Info

Back For Our 7th Year

Online: kwvegfest.ca
Instagram: @kwvegfest
Facebook: KW Veg Fest

KW VegFest is an initiative of Waterloo Region Climate Initiatives, and has brought sweet and savoury plant-powered festivals to Waterloo Region since 2018. We are here to entertain, to raise awareness about the connection between climate breakdown and the farming of animals, and to give the public the opportunity to love our shared planet with plant-based foods.

Grand River Rocks Climbing Gym

2024 PD Day Camps

♦Registration will be posted here

The post 2024 PD Day Camps appeared first on Grand River Rocks Climbing Gym.

Code Like a Girl

Push Back on “DEI Hire” Comments, and Other Actions for Allies

Each week, Karen Catlin shares five simple actions to create a more inclusive workplace and be a better ally.♦1. Push back on “DEI hire” comments

On Sunday, when President Joe Biden announced he was stepping down from his reelection campaign and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, I noticed a disturbing trend on social media: some people were referring to Harris as a “DEI candidate.” The implication? That she is only being considered because of her gender and race. That she is not qualified to do the job.

A few years ago, one of my coaching clients, a Black woman, heard that an executive at her company had disparagingly called her “a token.” For context, she is a talented leader with decades of industry experience. I fumed when she told me.

By calling someone a “token,” a “diversity hire,” or a “DEI candidate,” we undermine them. We send a message that they don’t have the necessary skills or experience. That we’re not expecting them to perform at the same level as their peers. That they shouldn’t have been hired (or voted into office) in the first place.

If you hear someone use the phrase “DEI hire” in your workplace, speak up. For example, “I’m pretty sure everyone we hire has to pass the same rigorous vetting process” might be sufficient.

For added emphasis, consider adding, “My interviews were really thorough. How about yours?”

Share this action on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, or YouTube.

2. Abolish racist language

While I’ve addressed using inclusive language in past newsletters, I’m bringing it up again. This time, I’m focused on adopting anti-racist language in corporate writing. Think of customer-facing communication, internal policies, process documentation, comments in software, and other kinds of content.

I appreciate Intuit’s Abolish Racist Language guidance. It is part of their Content Design guide, which they give to anyone writing for them. Here’s just one example:

“We don’t use black, white, dark, or light as metaphors. Language that puts a positive connotation on white/light and a negative or mysterious one on black/dark reinforces anti-Black and colorist stereotypes. We choose more direct language to get our point across. We only use these words as literal visual descriptors, not value judgments.”

So, if you’ve ever wondered if terms such as dark mode, black hat hacking, or white glove are racist, be sure to check out Intuit’s guide.

3. Overcome DEI imposter syndrome

In his new book, Building Inclusivity, Toby Mildon wrote:

“Imposter syndrome is another barrier to senior leaders getting involved in EDI initiatives. Senior leaders often feel they are not diverse enough or do not have the right to discuss certain issues. In an EDI survey for a Fintech company, everyone except LGBTQIA+ employees felt they belonged. A director questioned his role in discussing LGBTQIA+ matters, realising his responsibility as a leader to ensure LGBTQIA+ employees felt heard and included. Senior leaders often feel pressured to know all the answers. Additionally, they perceive EDI as requiring extra effort rather than integrating it into their existing roles.”

I’ll add that it’s not just senior leaders who can have these concerns. It happens to employees at all levels.

Mildon recommends incorporating these principles of radical candour:

  • Foster Open Dialogue: Create safe spaces and encourage honest feedback.
  • Practice Direct Communication: Be honest about experiences and address issues head-on.
  • Show Empathy: Listen actively and support vulnerability by sharing personal struggles.
  • Provide Constructive Feedback: Balance criticism with care and recognise efforts.
  • Lead by Example: Model radical candour and encourage others to adopt it.
  • Continuous Improvement: Reflect on and adjust communication styles, and commit to growth.

To learn more, check out Building Inclusivity, available on Amazon.

4. Embrace the “failure bow”

Building on Mildon’s advice, I think many of us step back from DEI initiatives because we’re concerned we’ll make a mistake. That we might say the wrong thing. Or act in a way that’s not helpful and possibly even hurtful.

It can be a lot easier to pull back from these conversations.

Yet, keeping quiet when we see biased, offensive, or inappropriate behavior doesn’t make us neutral; it makes us complicit. It means we’re okay with the status quo. It means the opposite of allyship.

I want more people to put in the effort to be better allies, even though we might get it wrong. Because the best allies are those who are committed to continuous improvement. We admit when we’re wrong or could do better and correct our course. We resist getting defensive and insisting that we’re already doing enough. We apologize. We listen and learn. We iterate.

I recently spoke about getting comfortable with making mistakes on the Call In Podcast with Diane Flynn. One technique I learned from Flynn is to embrace the “failure bow.” She explained:

“There’s an improv technique of taking the ‘failure bow,’ which I do very frequently in the comfort of my bedroom at night. Today, I have failed. Then you have to pick up the pieces and move on.”

Long-time subscribers know that I write an annual accountability edition of my newsletter where I share the mistakes I made during the previous year. I may start calling them my failure bows. 🙇

If you’d like to read about my past mistakes, here are my 2023 Accountability, 2022 Accountability, and 2021 Accountability editions. 😳

5. Community Spotlight: Spread out notetaking responsibilities

This week’s spotlight on an ally action from the Better Allies community is from a subscriber who wrote,

“After reading your newsletter, I asked different people to volunteer to take notes at a 3-day team summit. I made sure that the same person didn’t take notes for more than 1 or 2 meetings per day so that the burden didn’t always fall on the same person (who would have likely been a woman in most sessions).”

Thank you.

If you’ve taken a step towards being a better ally, please reply to this email and tell me about it. And mention if I can quote you by name or credit you anonymously in an upcoming newsletter.

That’s all for this week. I wish you strength and safety as we all move forward.

— Karen Catlin (she/her), author of the Better Allies® book series

Copyright © 2024 Karen Catlin. All rights reserved.

Being an ally is a journey. Want to join us?

- Follow @BetterAllies on FaceBook, Instagram, Medium, Threads, X/Twitter, or YouTube. Or follow Karen Catlin on LinkedIn

- This content originally appeared in our newsletter. Subscribe to “5 Ally Actions” to get it delivered to your inbox every Friday

- Read the Better Allies books

- Form a Better Allies book club

- Get your Better Allies gear

- Tell someone about these resources

Together, we can — and will — make a difference with the Better Allies® approach.


Push Back on “DEI Hire” Comments, and Other Actions for Allies was originally published in Code Like A Girl on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Elmira Advocate




It serves both them as well as Lanxess and the Min. of Environment (MECP). As I understand it being "dumb" means you can't speak for whatever reason. Well that certainly applies to Woolwich albeit it is selective "dumbness" with a dash of obfuscation and exaggeration included. Remember two weeks ago the public meeting with Sandy, Eric and Nathan held at Doughnuts & Deli?  I kind of concluded that that meeting was a set-up and so I hijacked it into getting Mark an audience for his ideas regarding better remediation of the aquifers. It actually served both purposes and may or may not have put a dent in Lanxess's joy in the status quo cleanup (i.e. under pumping in all aquifers and hence saving electrical pumping costs as well as treatment costs) .  Lanxess refers to this as a win-win for them & them.

Regarding cleaning the Creek (the "Gig") deafness and blindness are crucial. The only way to pretend that the Creek does not pose any unacceptable risks is to either fabricate non-existent evidence or to vastly over rate/ under rate what little you have. The former municipal/industrial landfill that is still mostly on the Lanxess property is called M2. Testimony during the early 90s at the Environmental Appeal Board hearings  indicated that when excavations started for the Region's Elmira Sewage Treatment Plant (1965), built at the south end of the dump, they "discovered" 45 gallon barrels of toxic wastes three deep (i.e. on top of each other). Hundreds of them! 

Where are the photographs? Where are the reports and statements? What testing was done of soils left behind much less of the toxic wastes themselves?  Deaf, dumb & blind. This is directly beside the Creek.  It was another 32 years of drainage into the Creek before the so called Upper Aquifer Containment & Treatment System was installed. Shameful! Yet no reports were submitted to the HHERA  (Risk Assessment)  showing that allegedly now the area was clean. Meanwhile the MECP  and our other authorities continue to hide between a mathematical and philosophical construct allegedly claiming that there are no unacceptable risks. The whole program is for show folks. The cleanup of both the Aquifers and of the Creek is a sham. It's always meant to be so and it has succeeded in that much.

House of Friendship

Scholarship is Opening Doors

Hoda can attend school without worrying about the cost, thanks to the House of Friendship Leadership Scholarship

“This scholarship is changing my life.”

Hoda, a first-year student in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Waterloo, is the inaugural recipient of the House of Friendship Leadership Scholarship, made possible by the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation.

The scholarship is awarded to students both on the basis of marks and their leadership involvement in House of Friendship programs – with all expenses paid.

“A weight has been taken off,” said Hoda, as the first generation of her family who has not only graduated from high school, but is also attending university. “Now I can focus on my studies without worrying about the cost.”

Hoda grew up just outside the Chandler Mowat Community Centre, and regularly participated in House of Friendship programs.

“For me, House of Friendship is a part of the community – it’s always been there. It was a place that my friends and I would go to and hang out.”

Hoda had initially planned on taking a year off from school to save for her tuition, taking the program one semester at a time, with full-time work between semesters. Now, she can attend full time, getting her degree that much faster.

“When I first heard about the scholarship, I thought it was too good to be true,” said Hoda. “I really didn’t believe that this could be possible. It’s such a blessing to me and my family.”

Thank you to the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation for changing the odds for bright, young learners like Hoda!

The post Scholarship is Opening Doors appeared first on House Of Friendship.

James Davis Nicoll

Mighty Gods / Mirrored Heavens (Between Earth and Sky, volume 3) By Rebecca Roanhorse

2024’s Mirrored Heavens is the third and final volume in Rebecca Roanhorse’s Between Earth and Sky secondary-universe fantasy trilogy1.

After the events of the last two volumes (Serapio has survived an apotheosis; Serapio has dealt with Naranpa, the avatar of a rival god) Serapio is now free to rule the city of Tova as the Crow God Reborn.

There’s just a small matter of a prophecy.

Kitchener Panthers

Seven-run inning helps sink Panthers

KITCHENER - A rough third inning proved to be the difference in what was an otherwise tight ball game.

The Hamilton Cardinals scored seven runs on five hits in the third, en route to a 10-5 win over the Kitchener Panthers at Jack Couch Park Thursday night.

Pedro De Los Santos was cruising through the first couple innings, but was pulled after the third.

He gave up seven runs (three earned) on six hits in the loss. He walked one and struck out two.

Danny Garcia and Jorge De La Cruz went the rest of the way, giving up a combined three runs (two earned) on five hits, walking one and striking out eight in relief.

Japanese ambidextrous pitcher Mizuki Akatsuka went eight innings in the win. Although he did some warm ups with the left hand, he only worked as a righty.

He struck out eight and gave up five runs on seven hits.

Kitchener closed the gap with a four-run fourth inning to make it 7-4, but they couldn't get any closer than that.

Nick Parsons had an RBI double to kick his hitting streak to 16 games. He also hit a home run in the ninth.

Tyler Duncan and Josh Niles both went yard for Hamilton. Duncan, last year's league MVP and all-star home run king, snapped a 20-game home run drought.

Kitchener drops its fourth straight game, and sits with a 10-19 record.

Kitchener visits Barrie on Saturday afternoon at 4:05 p.m., before hosting Welland on Sunday at 2 p.m.



Andrew Coppolino

Butter bell: a favourite kitchen amenity

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There is little else better than slathering good, fresh butter on good, fresh bread. It is its essentiality, its long, long historical reach back into humankind’s relationship with food which we enact each time we apply knife to butter.

Butter is roughly 80 percent milk fat and 15 percent or so water. If my math is worth anything, that means there’s five percent left kicking around for various proteins, lactose and salts. French butter must be at least 82 percent fat and has less water, which is often why a croissant from Paris, France, is likely quite different in terms of flakiness than a croissant from Paris, Ontario.

For room temperature butter

The butter you plunk into your cart on your weekly route through the grocery store is either salted or unsalted. Salted butter can have up to two percent added salt in the pound; it acts as a preservative and antimicrobial. This is the reason why salted butter can sit out on the counter—at a useful room temperature—a bit longer than unsalted butter.

I’d prefer to use the unsalted version, and I don’t like keeping one of my favourite ingredients in the fridge but butter—especially unsalted butter—goes rancid when not kept cold. Exposure to the air and sunlight harms butter and disrupts those cute little fat molecules, breaking them down in a stinky kind of way.

♦Delicious butter (Photo/Andrew Coppolino).

So how does one spread fridge-cold unsalted butter on that hearty rye, tangy sourdough or luscious epi bread without ripping the crumb mercilessly? Well, I’ve taken to using what I’ve discovered is called a French butter dish, a quite boring moniker which sounds poetically much better as its “Butter Bell” trademarked name.

Ding dong: it has proven to be a good answer to the question of whither butter: unusable in the dairy compartment or rancid on the counter?

Beurrier à l’eau

Butter has been around for as long as humans have been in the dairy business, but the butter crock contraption is thought to have originated in France in the late-1800s. A town by the name of Vallauris in southeastern France takes credit for its birth, while Brittany and Normandy butter aficionados make the same claim. It is called variously a butter crock, a butter keeper, pot a beurre or beurrier à l’eau.

Its simple ingenuity works like this: the bottom chamber is partially filled with fresh water to about a third of its capacity. (You can call me a bit precious, but I use spring water, rather than tap water.)

The second chamber of my butter keeper is shaped something like half of a very large egg with enough room to stuff into it one stick of butter (what is that, about one-half cup?). You pack this chamber very tightly so that there are no gaps and buttery crevasses for air to seep in and do molecular damage.

Make an airtight seal

Now, this is the cool part (if you are food geek like me): the top chamber is then turned upside down and submerged into the water that sits in the second chamber base. It’s a truly brilliant hydro-mechanical invention in a bells-and-whistles-age of immersion circulators and molecular gastronomic wizardry.

The water acts as an airtight seal that keeps the evil oxygen and devilish sunlight away from the butter, so you can store it at room temperature for up to a month with regular water changings every few days (all bets are off, however, if you keep your kitchen hot).

When you need some of what Irish writer Seamus Heaney called “coagulated sunlight,” simply lift the lid, let the water drip a little bit, dip in your knife and spread butter to your heart’s saturated fat content.

Check out my latest post Butter bell: a favourite kitchen amenity from AndrewCoppolino.com.

Code Like a Girl

Update. Set. Go.

Keep track of your updated records

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Kitchener Panthers

Panthers sign Cuban pitcher Yankiel Mauris

KITCHENER - The Kitchener Panthers have just added a big weapon on the mound for the stretch drive.

Cuban pitcher Yankiel Mauris has signed with the team, bringing the team's compliment of import players up to four.

Mauris, 28, has spent the last several seasons competing for his hometown Sancti Spiritus squad in the Cuban National Series. He also played for Ganaderos in the Cuban Elite League in 2022.

In 2023-24, Mauris was the key late game option for Sancti Spiritus, coming into 27 games as a reliever. 

He nabbed a 7-1 record, finishing 11 games and collecting eight saves. Mauris struck out 40 and walked 19 and held a 5.17 ERA in 62.2 innings of work.

Internationally, Mauris most recently represented Cuba at the 2023 Pan Am Games in Santiago, Chile.

He will reunite with former battery mate in catcher Yunior Ibarra. Sancti Spiritus is also the former team of former Panther Yuen Socarras.

"Yankiel led the Cuban league in saves this year, and can also start," said general manager Mike Boehmer.

"We like his versatility. Yankiel has international experience with Team Cuba and is used to high pressure situations. Yankiel will be a good addition to our pitching staff as we head into the stretch drive."

In order to make room on the roster, the Panthers have also released Jayden Kemp.

Mauris arrives in Canada on Wednesday, July 31.

The Kitchener Panthers next home game is against Hamilton on July 25. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW and #PackTheJack!


Position: Pitcher

Hometown: Sancti Spiritus, Cuba

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 158 lbs

Hits/Pitches: R/R

Birthdate: January 2, 1996

Pronunciation: Yan-keel Morrice

Cindy Cody Team

Innovative Storage Solutions For Your Home

Incorporating innovative storage solutions into your home can be a game-changer if you’re struggling with organization. Creative storage solutions are continually evolving to address various needs of homeowners, from maximizing small spaces to improving organizational efficiency in households. Here are some contemporary and creative storage ideas to consider for different areas of your home.

♦ Home and Office Storage
  1. Modular Shelving Systems: Customizable and reconfigurable shelving units that can adapt to different spaces and storage needs. Brands like IKEA’s Kallax or Cubit offer versatile options.
  2. Under-Furniture Storage: Utilizing the space under beds, couches, and even stairs for drawers or roll-out bins can significantly increase storage capacity without occupying additional floor space.
  3. Wall-Mounted Storage: Pegboards, magnetic strips, and floating shelves can keep items off counters and floors, making spaces look cleaner and more organized.
  4. Convertible Furniture: Multi-functional furniture, such as ottomans with hidden compartments, fold-out desks, or beds with storage drawers, maximizes utility in small spaces.
  5. Vertical Gardening Systems: For those interested in growing plants indoors, vertical gardens or hydroponic systems can save space and add greenery to the environment.
♦ Kitchen Storage
  1. Pull-Out Pantry Shelves: These allow easier access to items stored at the back of cabinets and can be customized to fit various pantry sizes.
  2. Magnetic Knife Strips and Racks: Save counter space by mounting knives and other metal kitchen tools on walls.
  3. Over-the-Sink Cutting Boards: Cutting boards designed to fit over the sink provide additional prep space and can include built-in colanders.
  4. Drawer Organizers and Dividers: Customizable inserts for drawers keep utensils, spices, and other small items organized and easily accessible.
♦ Bedroom & Closet Storage
  1. Under-Bed Storage: Use drawers or rolling bins to utilize the space under beds, or consider a lift-up bed frame which offers storage area under your mattress.
  2. Multi-Functional Furniture: Storage ottomans can provide hidden storage, and bed frames with built-in drawers provide additional drawer space without taking up extra room.
  3. Closet Organizers: Make sure you’re making the best use of your closet space. Try hanging organizers and shelf dividers to create a functional closet space.
  4. Double Hanging Rods: Double your hanging space with a second rod, or look into hangers that hold multiple items vertically.
♦ Specialized Storage Solutions
  1. Wine Storage: Wine fridges, wall-mounted wine racks, and custom wine cellars provide optimal storage conditions for wine enthusiasts.
  2. Bike Storage: Wall-mounted racks, ceiling hoists, and freestanding bike stands keep bicycles stored safely and efficiently.
  3. Hobby and Craft Storage: Dedicated storage solutions like craft carts, pegboards, and specialized drawers can keep supplies organized and accessible.
  4. Sports Equipment Storage: Racks, hooks, and bins designed specifically for sports gear can help keep items organized and easy to find.

These innovative storage solutions can help improve organization, maximize space, and enhance efficiency in various settings.

Looking for more tips for creating an organized home?

Check out these resources

  • Game-changing organizing tips to kickstart your clutter-free journey
  • 6 simple steps to make your home feel lighter and spacious
  • How to declutter your home and maintain your system
  • What to do before you make a move | Getting ready to sell your home
  • Creating and maintaining an organized pantry
  • Spring cleaning and home maintenance tips

Cindy Cody Team

Historical Places in Waterloo Region & Walking Tours

Welcome to Waterloo Region, a region where history comes alive through its well-preserved landmarks and vibrant heritage. Nestled in the heart of southwestern Ontario, Kitchener-Waterloo is more than just a hub for innovation and technology; it’s a treasure trove of historical sites that tell the story of its rich past. From charming 19th-century architecture to significant cultural monuments, this twin-city region offers a unique glimpse into the evolution of Canadian society. Join us as we explore some of the most fascinating historical places in Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas, where every corner has a story to tell and every visit feels like a journey back in time. Whether you’re a history enthusiast or simply curious about the past, there’s something here to captivate and inspire you.

Properties that gain a heritage designation offer architectural, historic and contextual significance to the community. Here’s a closer look at some of these properties in our region and resources to help you find them.

Heritage Properties in Kitchener

Previously known as Berlin, Kitchener saw its first buildings being built by 1800. Since those days, there have been 133 properties designated as heritage properties. There are also four heritage districts: St. Mary’s, Upper Doon, Victoria Park and Civic Centre.

Interested in taking a Victoria Park Historical Walking Tour?

There’s a free guide from the City of Kitchener. View it here.

Some of the properties you can learn about include:

The Boathouse.

This historic landmark in Kitchener has seen many days since Victoria Park opened in 1896. From the original wood structure to a two-storey brick building built in 1929, this building has held many purposes; boat storage, concession stand, change room, restaurant, music venue… just to name a few.

Read more about the Boathouses’s history here.

♦Photo source: therecord.com

25 Joseph Street, Kitchener.

Like some other properties, the Victoria Street Public School has been renovated and repurposed as residential units. Built in 1911, the Victoria Park Historical Walking Tour describes this property as ” a local example of the Edwardian Classical style (popular in Ontario from 1900-1930)”

♦Photo source: generations.regionofwaterloo.ca Heritage Properties in Waterloo

There are 41 properties in Waterloo with heritage designation, each with a plaque.

Interested in taking a walking tour?

You can explore the Mary Allen neighbourhood to learn about the unique homes and original residents, and then take the MacGregor Albert Heritage District walking tour.

Here are some historic buildings you may recognize.

40 Albert Street, Waterloo.

You may recognize this building from Uptown Waterloo. Located near the current Waterloo Public Library Main Branch, it was the first public library in Waterloo (built between 1903 and 1905).

♦Photo source: city-of-waterloo.maps.arcgis.com

227 King Street South, Waterloo.

If you’re driving down King Street from Uptown Waterloo, just before you pass Grand River Hospital, you’ve likely seen this building. Before it was the Sun Life Canada headquarters, it was the head office of the Mutual Life Assurance Co.

♦Photo source: city-of-waterloo.maps.arcgis.com Heritage Properties in Cambridge

Cambridge is home to three Heritage Conservation Districts: Blair Village, Dickson Hill and Main Street.

Interested in taking a walking tour?

You can explore Cambridge’s historic downtown and learn about many of the buildings using this guide.

Main Street.

At the corner of Main Street and Ainslie Street you’ll be able to see this property that has seen different businesses and different buildings.

♦Photo source: geohub.camrbridge.ca

56 Dickson Street.

What you may know now as the Cambridge Fire Hall Museum and Education Centre was once a fully operating fire hall with horse-draw fire engines. The Old Galt Fire Hall was a functioning fire hall from 1898-1979.

♦Photo source: geohub.cambridge.ca More historic places to explore in Waterloo Region!

Here is a list of historic places in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. You’ll be amazed which properties you pass by on a regular basis. Take some time to learn about them so you can truly appreciate their history the next time you walk by.

Cindy Cody Team

Why Downsizing is a Smart Move for Your Retirement

As you approach retirement, making strategic decisions about your lifestyle and finances becomes increasingly important. One such decision is whether to downsize your home. Downsizing isn’t just about moving to a smaller space; it’s about embracing a simpler, more manageable lifestyle that can significantly enhance your retirement experience. Think about a smaller area to clean, less home to maintain, smaller bills, and more time to do the things you want to be doing! By reducing living expenses, freeing up equity, and minimizing upkeep, downsizing offers numerous benefits that can help you enjoy a more comfortable and financially secure retirement. In this blog, we will explore the various ways downsizing can positively impact your golden years, providing you with the freedom and flexibility to pursue your passions and live life to the fullest.

Living Expenses Get Reduced

Transitioning from a larger family home to a smaller residence is a strategic financial decision that can free up cash flow and reduce the monthly financial pressures that come with maintaining a larger property. Transitioning to a smaller home can lead to substantial savings on utility bills, as reduced square footage decreases the cost of heating, cooling, and electricity. It can also result in lower property taxes and homeowners’ insurance rates, directly impacting annual expenses. The smaller the home, the less maintenance and repair it requires, saving money and reducing the physical and time demands on retirees.

Mortgage and Debt Relief

Selling a larger home to move into a smaller one can often result in the outright purchase of the new property, especially if the previous home has accumulated substantial equity over the years. This move can eradicate monthly mortgage payments, freeing up significant amounts of income that were previously tied up. Downsizing also offers a strategic advantage in managing and reducing other forms of debt. The additional capital gained from selling a larger property can be wisely used to pay off existing debts, such as credit cards, car loans, or lines of credit. This debt reduction strategy decreases monthly outgoings and minimizes interest payments, contributing further to financial freedom.

Equity Unleashed

For many retirees, their home is their largest asset, and the equity built up over the years represents a substantial portion of their retirement savings. Downsizing allows homeowners to convert this dormant equity into liquid assets. The equity unlocked from downsizing can dramatically reduce financial stress by providing a cushion that supports a comfortable lifestyle. For retirees facing the prospect of a fixed income, this additional capital can ease worries about the adequacy of their retirement savings, covering living expenses, healthcare costs, or unexpected financial needs. This financial breathing room allows retirees to enjoy their golden years without the looming anxiety of financial constraints.

Strategically Reallocate Your Investments

The equity unlocked from selling a larger home presents a chance to diversify and strengthen one’s financial portfolio for the retirement years ahead. The lump sum from downsizing can be strategically allocated into stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investment vehicles, depending on one’s risk tolerance and time horizon. For those reluctant to give up their stake in real estate, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) offer an attractive alternative. Investing in REITs allows retirees to remain involved in property markets without the direct responsibilities of ownership. Investing in Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) or using the funds to max out Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributions can significantly reduce tax liabilities. Consulting with a financial advisor can help retirees navigate these decisions, ensuring that the transition not only secures their financial future but also enriches their retirement years.

Find A New Location That Meets Your Needs

Many retirees prioritize being close to healthcare facilities, shopping centers, and recreational amenities. Downsizing often makes it financially feasible to move to areas that offer convenient access to these essential services. Urban or suburban communities specifically designed for retirees can provide everything from medical services to leisure and cultural activities within easy reach. The decision to downsize also opens up possibilities to relocate to areas with a more affordable cost of living. Moving from high-cost urban areas to smaller towns or cities can significantly stretch retirement savings.

Less To Take Care Of

Moving to a smaller home or a more manageable living space means there’s less to take care of on a day-to-day basis. The demands of cleaning, repairs, and general upkeep are minimized, freeing up physical energy and time that can be redirected toward more rewarding activities. For retirees, this reduction in maintenance tasks is a gateway to a stress-free lifestyle that prioritizes well-being and enjoyment over chores and responsibilities. A simplified living space also means a home more suited to their mobility needs. Downsizing often involves selecting homes with practical layouts, fewer stairs, and accessible features that can accommodate changing physical needs over time. This foresight ensures comfort and prolongs independence, making daily life more enjoyable and less encumbered by physical constraints.

More Time For Fun!

With the burdens of a large home lifted, retirees find themselves with a wealth of time to explore new hobbies or rekindle old ones. Whether it’s gardening in a more manageable space, joining community clubs, taking up photography, or exploring the great outdoors, downsizing creates the space and opportunity for retirees to engage in activities that enhance their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It also means more opportunities for social engagement and building meaningful relationships. Downsizing often brings retirees closer to community centers, clubs, and groups that share similar interests, facilitating social interactions and friendships and countering the isolation that some retirees face.

Thinking About Downsizing?

How do you know when to downsize? For some, the answer is driven by the real estate market, for some its a financial decision, and for some people, it’s the desire to relocate closer to family (especially when a new family member is on their way!). There are lots of factors at play.

One thing you can be sure of is that our team is always here to help you along the way. If you’re wondering “is it the right time?” or if the thought has even crossed your mind, we’re always available to talk. Whether you want to have a discussion about how and when to downsize, or you’re ready to get started, we are here to support you.

If you have questions about downsizing, give us a call!

519-746-5136 sold@cindycody.ca

Other articles you might be interested in:
  • 3 Genius Ways to Generate Retirement Income With Your Home
  • Navigating Retirement & Homeownership
  • Gifting a Down Payment

Elmira Advocate




Woolwich Township are floating on a small block of ice in a very big river. Every question asked of them  jostles themselves and the ice block. They are too terrified to answer because they have no confidence in their answers. Nor should they. When you surround yourself with syncaphants, co-optees, yes men and women and nothing but deferential twits you do not get nuanced, intelligent answers to even easy questions much less hard ones. They know that any inaccurate or poorly written answers will be criticized. They know that any particularly egregiously stupid answers will be outright laughed at. and mocked. The worst of it is they don't even know which are the easy questions and which are the tough ones. Boy that small block of ice sure is slippery when it starts to tilt. 

All of this is the result of bad decisions and lying over the last three plus decades. They've come to rely on dishonest brokers and the price for that is high. Personal integrity, personal barriers and personal relations with everyone become strained. Yes lots of lower on the rung staff try hard to be helpful to the public but eventually they too realize who and what they are working for. When that happens it becomes very difficult to do your job with a smile.

The June'2024 pumping rates are out in the monthly Progress Report. They are the best they have been this year but guess what? They still haven't met their own pumping TARGET RATES this year! The last time they met their already low/inadequate TARGET pumping rates was last November 2023. How many different excuses are humanly possible? Just ask Lanxess, they've used them all. Meanwhile keep blaming the NDMA & chlorobenzene cleanup failures on Joe Ricker's "asymptotic behaviour" or on "back diffusion" or on whatever else you want but as long as you refuse or can't pump contaminated groundwater to your own criteria then you are royally buggered!

The Backing Bookworm

Middle of the Night

Middle of the Night, the newest book by Riley Sager, is a chilling and atmospheric story that weaves past and present with wonderful tension and a growing list of suspects and theories that will keep readers guessing.
The story centres around a missing ten-year-old boy. Ethan and his best friend Billy regularly had backyard sleepovers camping in Ethan's backyard. Until the night Ethan wakes up to find a slash in the tent and Billy missing. Billy was never found, and Ethan remembers little from that night and his best friend's disappearance haunts him to this day. 
Thirty years later, Ethan returns to his parents' house on Hemlock Circle, the street where many of his childhood neighbours still reside. When odd things start happening to him, things only Billy would know, Ethan starts to question whether his friend is reaching out from 'beyond'. As his curiosity becomes obsession and his paranoia grows, readers will start to question whether Ethan knows what really happened to his best friend in the middle of the night thirty years ago.  
Sager gives his readers a page-turner of a read. He excels at providing a sinister setting to build his story, a host of potential culprits and he ups the creep factor with a nod to the paranormal and a mysterious place that lies just beyond the woods behind Hemlock Circle. 
This was an entertaining, bingeable suspense read with good red herrings, a creepy setting, and an unexpected poignant moment. While I would have liked even more supernatural elements, I appreciated how Sager incorporated themes of grief, guilt, and the emotional toll when you don't know what happened to a loved one and the reminder that you cannot outrun your past.
Disclaimer: My sincere thanks to Penguin Random House Canada and Tandem Collective Global for the complimentary copy of this book which was given in exchange for my honest review as part of my first readalong.  

My Rating: 4 starsAuthor: Riley SagerGenre: SuspenseType and Source: Hardcover from publisher via Tandem Collective ReadalongPublisher: Penguin Random House CanadaFirst Published: June 18, 2024

Book Description from GoodReads: In the latest jaw-dropping thriller from New York Times bestselling author Riley Sager, a man must contend with the long-ago disappearance of his childhood best friend—and the dark secrets lurking just beyond the safe confines of his picture-perfect neighborhood.
The worst thing to ever happen on Hemlock Circle occurred in Ethan Marsh’s backyard. One July night, ten-year-old Ethan and his best friend and neighbor, Billy, fell asleep in a tent set up on a manicured lawn in a quiet, quaint New Jersey cul de sac. In the morning, Ethan woke up alone. During the night, someone had sliced the tent open with a knife and taken Billy. He was never seen again.

Thirty years later, Ethan has reluctantly returned to his childhood home. Plagued by bad dreams and insomnia, he begins to notice strange things happening in the middle of the night. Someone seems to be roaming the cul de sac at odd hours, and signs of Billy’s presence keep appearing in Ethan’s backyard. Is someone playing a cruel prank? Or has Billy, long thought to be dead, somehow returned to Hemlock Circle?

The mysterious occurrences prompt Ethan to investigate what really happened that night, a quest that reunites him with former friends and neighbors and leads him into the woods that surround Hemlock Circle. Woods where Billy claimed monsters roamed and where a mysterious institute does clandestine research on a crumbling estate.

The closer Ethan gets to the truth, the more he realizes that no place—be it quiet forest or suburban street—is completely safe. And that the past has a way of haunting the present.

Hoesy, Michalos & Associates

Credit Card Debt Consolidation in Canada. What You Need to Know

Dealing with credit card debt can be overwhelming, especially when you have multiple credit cards with high interest rates. That’s where credit card debt consolidation can help. In simple terms, it’s like organizing a messy closet—you combine all your credit card debts into one loan at a lower interest rate. This makes it easier to keep track of your payments and get out of debt faster.

Today, we will outline the options and steps to consolidate your credit cards in Canada. We will look at the pros and cons of different credit card debt consolidation options and help you become debt-free.

How does credit card debt consolidation work?

Credit card debt consolidation combines multiple credit card balances into a single, more manageable payment. This can be achieved through various methods, such as balance transfers, personal loans, or home equity loans.

Consolidating credit card debt makes debt repayment easier, reduces interest rates, and allows you to become debt-free sooner. With balance transfers, for example, you transfer high-interest credit card balances to a card with a lower or 0% introductory interest rate, saving money on interest charges. Personal loans and home equity loans offer fixed monthly payments and interest rates, allowing you to consolidate your debts into a single loan with regular monthly payments.

By consolidating credit card debt, you streamline your finances, reduce the total amount paid in interest, and work towards achieving financial stability. It’s crucial to carefully evaluate the terms and fees associated with each consolidation option to ensure it aligns with your financial goals and capabilities.

Combining debts into smaller monthly payments can improve your financial situation and help you pay outstanding debts sooner. However, if you can’t afford your consolidation payments, you can find yourself in a much more severe financial situation, potentially risking assets you may provide as security.

When you are thinking about consolidating your credit card debt, it is essential to understand how much debt you have. How much do you owe on each credit card? How much interest is each credit card company charging you? What are the minimum monthly payments? Knowing these details will help you select which consolidation option that works best for you.

Nine ways to consolidate credit card debt

There are several ways to consolidate credit card debt. Any option you choose should simplify payments, lower interest rates, and make debt repayment easier.

Here are nine ways to consolidate credit card debt:

Balance transfer to a low-interest credit card

This involves moving your current credit card balances to a new credit card with a lower interest rate. Look for companies that offer promotional periods of low or 0% interest on their balance transfer credit card. Transferring balances to a low-interest credit card allows you to save on interest charges and pay off your debt sooner.

Credit card consolidation loans

Some financial institutions offer loans specifically designed to consolidate credit card debt. With a debt consolidation loan, you borrow a lump sum to pay off your cards and make fixed monthly payments towards the loan. Depending on your credit score and financial situation, lenders offering these loans may have different requirements and terms. For example, some may require you to cancel your old credit cards, which reduces the risk that you will get into more credit card debt while you are paying off the loan.

Unsecured personal loan

You can consolidate your credit card debt with an unsecured personal loan from a bank or credit union. These loans typically don’t require collateral and can provide flexible repayment terms. Beware of online lenders offering fast and easy installment loans for individuals with poor credit scores, as these loans carry very high interest rates.

Home equity line of credit

If you’re a homeowner, you can use the equity in your home to consolidate your debt through a home equity line of credit (HELOC). A HELOC can offer lower interest rates compared to credit cards. A home equity line of credit allows you to borrow up to 65% of your home’s market value, so you must have sufficient equity in your home to qualify. A HELOC is a form of revolving credit, meaning you can continue to borrow as you pay off your balances, up to a maximum credit limit.

Mortgage refinancing

Refinancing your mortgage involves replacing your existing mortgage with a new one. You can also apply for a second mortgage from a new lender to repay credit card debt.

If you have sufficient equity in your home, you can refinance for a higher amount than your current mortgage and use the extra money to pay off your credit card debt. Mortgage rates are typically lower than credit card interest rates and other unsecured loan options, so consolidating through your mortgage can save you money on interest. As with any secured loan, there is the risk of foreclosure if you miss your new, higher mortgage payments.

Car title loans

Another option for credit card debt consolidation is utilizing car title loans, where you use the value of your vehicle as collateral to secure a loan. While this can provide access to quick cash, it’s important to proceed with caution. Car title loans typically come with high-interest rates, extra fees, and short repayment terms.

Debt settlement

You can negotiate with your credit card provider about accepting less than the total amount owed. This can work for small balances or if your credit card debt is old and with a debt collector. When negotiating with creditors on your own, consider asking for a reduced payment (debt settlement), extended repayment term, and lower interest rate.

Debt management plan (DMP)

A credit counselling agency may be able to put your credit card debt and other outstanding bills into a debt management program. Your credit counsellor negotiates repayment terms with your creditors, which can involve lower or no interest rates. However, if you have large credit card debt, a DMP may not offer debt relief since:

  • You must repay 100% of your debts.
  • It is not legally binding on creditors.
  • A debt management plan cannot deal with all debts.
  • Your credit score and credit report will be affected.
Consumer proposal

Consumer proposals are helpful for finding debt relief when you have significant unsecured debt, such as credit card debt, payday loans, or student loans. Through this legal process, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee negotiates a settlement amount with your unsecured creditors. Settlements can reduce your debts by up to 80%. You repay the settlement amount over a period of up to five years, interest free. Consumer proposals are a good debt solution for those facing different types of debt and looking to avoid bankruptcy.

If you are burdened with high credit card debt, comparing a consumer proposal with a debt consolidation loan is a good idea.

The pros and cons of credit card debt consolidation

While credit card debt consolidation can offer numerous benefits for debt relief, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of any debt consolidation option:

  • Lower interest rates can save you money in the long run and provide a faster path to becoming debt free.
  • You get a simplified repayment with one fixed monthly payment.
  • Your monthly payment may decrease because future payments can be spread over a new loan term. However, if you are only making minimum payments on your credit card balances today, your monthly payments may increase, in which case a solution like a consumer proposal may be a better option.
  • Your credit score can improve if it means you are less likely to miss payments, and your credit utilization rate falls as you pay down debt.
  • You may end up paying more in interest if you extend your loan term too long or, worse if you continue to use your credit cards and build up new balances.
  • Additional fees, such as balance transfer, mortgage processing, and appraisal fees, may apply.
  • You risk assets to seizure or foreclosure if you miss loan payments on any secured loans you take out to consolidate unsecured credit card debt.
  • Debt consolidation can harm your credit score if you miss payments. Solutions like a debt management plan or consumer proposal will appear on your credit report. However, the negative impact is temporary and generally outweighed by the benefit of eliminating your credit card debt.
  • Bad credit consolidation loans come with the risk of high interest.
  • You risk falling victim to a loan scam if you choose a bad lender.
  • You may be denied a consolidation loan due to a poor credit score.
FAQs about credit card debt consolidation

Let’s look at some of the most commonly asked questions regarding credit card debt consolidation and finding debt relief.

Can I still use my credit cards after debt consolidation?

After debt consolidation, whether you can still use your credit cards depends on the terms of your consolidation plan and your lender’s policies. Some methods, like balance transfers or debt management plans, may require closing old credit card accounts, while others may not.

You can apply for new credit cards after consolidation, but approval depends on factors like your credit score and recent consolidation activities.

Can I consolidate my credit card debt if I have bad credit? 

Consolidating credit card debt with bad credit can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. Lenders may only accept a consolidation loan if you have a good credit history. Getting a cosigner for a consolidation loan can be one solution, but it comes with risks to the cosigner. Options such as debt management plans or a consumer proposal are still available even if you have bad credit.

Can I combine all credit card debt?

Combining all credit card debt into a single consolidation plan is possible, provided the consolidation loan covers your total debt. However, if your consolidation option falls short of covering all your debts, you may need to explore alternative solutions, such as a consumer proposal and asking for debt forgiveness.

Does credit card consolidation hurt your credit score?

Credit card consolidation doesn’t hurt your credit score; it can sometimes have a positive impact. Consolidating multiple credit card balances into a single loan may lower your credit utilization ratio, positively affecting your credit score. However, certain factors, such as opening a new account or closing old ones, may temporarily impact your credit score. Missed payments or defaulting on the consolidation loan can also negatively affect your credit score.

Should I take money from my RRSP to pay off credit card debt?

Taking money from your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) to pay off credit card debt is generally not recommended. Withdrawing funds from your RRSP to pay down debt can have significant financial implications, including tax consequences and loss of potential growth in your retirement savings. Early withdrawals from an RRSP may incur withholding taxes and permanently reduce your retirement savings.

Tips for successful credit card debt consolidation

The primary goal of credit card debt consolidation is to simplify debt repayment and reduce the overall interest rate, making it easier to get out of debt.

Here are a few tips we recommend to ensure your debt consolidation process goes smoothly:

Read all your loan terms

Make sure to read all the terms of your loan, including the loan amount, interest rate, prepayment options, penalties, and fees. Understand the total amount you will pay over time in interest and compare this to other options.

Choose the right lender

Selecting the right lender is crucial when consolidating credit card debt. Avoid online rapid loans and alternative lenders that often charge interest rates of 30% or more. You do not want to consolidate with a loan with a higher rate than your credit card debt.

Review your budget

Review your budget to ensure you can afford your loan payments and avoid missed payments by keeping track of your due dates.

Use our debt consolidation calculator

Our debt calculator compares your monthly debt repayment under different debt relief options, including a debt consolidation loan, debt management plan and consumer proposal.

Create a repayment plan

Once you’ve consolidated your credit card debt, you’ll have a single monthly payment to make. Creating a realistic repayment plan that fits your budget and allows you to pay off the debt within a reasonable timeframe is essential. Make timely payments to avoid late fees and further damage to your credit score.

Avoid new debt

Consolidating credit card debt won’t solve overspending and financial mismanagement. It’s crucial to address the habits and behaviours that led to credit card debt in the first place. Avoid using credit cards for unnecessary purchases and focus on living within your means.

Get help with consolidating credit card debt.

Monitoring your progress is essential as you work toward paying off your consolidated debt. Track your loan balance, interest rates, and repayment schedule to ensure you stay on a path toward financial freedom. By staying proactive and making sure you make your minimum payments on time, you can eliminate your credit card debt and achieve your financial goals.

According to our 2023 Joe Debtor study, our typical client owed an average of $54,100 in unsecured debt, including $16,200 in credit card debt. Consider filing a consumer proposal if you have credit card debt over $10,000.

Contact us today for a free virtual or in-person consultation

The post Credit Card Debt Consolidation in Canada. What You Need to Know appeared first on Hoyes, Michalos & Associates Inc..

Andrew Coppolino

Villeneuve fruit wines changed my mind

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Little-known haskap berries grow on a globe-shaped deciduous bush that can reach about two metres in height.

The fruit the native bushes produce, a sort of lighter-coloured, elongated or cylindrical blueberry, often ripens before early strawberries, depending on the weather, while offering a slightly tart flavour akin to a raspberry.

♦Michel VIlleneuve with sampling glasses and fruit wines.

Most important to farmer and winemaker Michel Villeneuve, haskap berries, their name derived from a word in the rare Hokkaido Ainu language, also make a very fine fruit wine – a beverage that Villeneuve has been producing since 2017.

The history of his farm, Les Vergers Villeneuve and Blueberry Farm where he makes the wine, has its own rich history.

♦Not yet ready: Villeneuve blueberries on the bush.

“This farm is 175 years old and has been in my family for 125 years,” Villeneuve says. “My great-grandfather was a dairy farmer here, but we converted it after the 1998 ice storm. He retired from farming – after ten days without power.”

For the last seven years, Villeneuve’s haskap wine has been part of a robust lineup of 19 fruit wines made on the 16-hectare farm, open to the public, on Rollin Road in the village of Saint-Pascal-Baylon.

“A friend of mine had been making fruit wine for about 40 years and used my blueberries. His kids didn’t want the business, so he asked me if I would take over. After I retired, I had the time and spent a year with him learning,” Villeneuve says.

He then bought all of his friend’s equipment and had it shipped and re-installed, including dismantling, board-by-board, his friend’s barn and rebuilding it.

♦Hectares of fruit trees at Villeneuve in Saint-Pascal-Baylon.

Villeneuve’s six or seven hectares of planted crops, along with Mother Nature, generously provides the growing conditions for his wine’s raw ingredients: 2,000 blueberry plants, 3,600 raspberry plants, 500 cherry bushes and 50 grape vines along with 450 apple trees (with 25 varieties), 25 pear trees and rhubarb.

When the weather permits, Villeneuve will have hundreds of customers arrive to pick their own seasonal berries over the summer and fall.

As for the process of making fruit wine, it’s basically the same as traditional wine made from grapes as it is done around the world, he says … for more, visit Editions Andre Paquette.

Check out my latest post Villeneuve fruit wines changed my mind from AndrewCoppolino.com.

James Davis Nicoll

In BRUGE / Basic Roleplaying: Universal Game Engine By Jason Durall & Steve Perrin

Jason Durall and Steve Perrin’s1 2023 Basic Roleplaying: Universal Game Engine (BRUGE) is the latest edition of Chaosium’s venerable simulationist house system, Basic Roleplaying (BRP). As one might guess from the title, BRUGE facilitates roleplaying in all genres.

Why release a new BRP2? There were two excellent reasons, the first of which was Hasbro bean-counter idiocy.

Code Like a Girl

The Power of Project Templates: Boosting Efficiency in Development

Why Have a Project Template?

Continue reading on Code Like A Girl »

Capacity Canada

July 2024 Edition

July 2024 Edition


Capacity Canada extends its heartfelt gratitude to the Suncor Energy Foundation (SEF) for their unwavering commitment to building sustainable and resilient communities across Canada. SEF’s generous support has been instrumental in making our Design Thinking work in Calgary and Newfoundland possible.

Design Collective: New Cohort Launched in Newfoundland & Labrador

♦Capacity Canada launched its Design Collective program for the Newfoundland & Labrador cohort on June 11. During the two-day session, participants explored Design Thinking concepts in depth. Now, these organizations are preparing to apply their newfound knowledge with support from experts Liz and Hugh.

♦Participants include:

  • Stella’s Circle
  • YMCA St. John’s
  • Mokmai Status of Women
  • CMHA Newfound and Labrador

♦Learn more about the Design collective on our website.

Calgary Cohort of Design Collective competes 9 months!

Congratulations to the Calgary Cohort of the Design Collective! With nine months into the program, the cohort has undertaken a range of design thinking challenges with their applied projects.

Their work has included:

  • A training framework that enables4 volunteer teams to co-create issue-specific climate change campaigns.
  • A re-examination of work culture that invites staff to design solutions based on a collaborative, trusting and adaptive foundation.
  • Igniting community stakeholders in contributing to improved respite care for families who care for individuals with developmental challenges.
  • And the creation of a trans-disciplinary approach that explores the causes of family disruption in the immigrant community in Calgary in order to develop community-led supports.

Learn more about the Design collective on our website.

Learn more about Capacity By Design



Capacity Canada CEO shares expertise with leaders from Nigeria

♦Recognized for her expertise in board development and governance, Capacity Canada CEO Cathy Brothers was recently invited by Wilfrid Laurier University to participate in a panel discussion.

This event, held in collaboration with Jags Edge Consulting, brought together a group of business leaders from Nigeria. The engagement aimed to enhance their leadership and interpersonal skills, build team capacity, formulate and implement business strategies, and improve creativity and problem-solving processes.

♦Cathy was seen as a valuable addition to the panel. The discussion took place at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, providing an excellent opportunity for Cathy to share her insights and experience.





Modern Board Registration is Now Open!

Serving on a board is both a privilege and a responsibility, but often, it isn’t easy to understand where to start and how to become a good board member. Capacity Canada’s Modern Board program equips board directors with the credentials they need to demonstrate their abilities to stakeholders in a concrete way. A great starting place for anyone who has not previously been part of a board, the program is a unique and credible two-course online training module.

Those completing both Essentials and Advance courses for Modern Board will receive valuable accreditation necessary to demonstrate their board governance capacity. In addition to Capacity Canada accreditation, participants will earn a micro-credential in partnership with Conestoga College’s continuing education program.

Learn more about Capacity Canada’s Modern Board course on our website.

Learn More & Register Today!



There’s still time to apply for Creative Day for Social Good!

Capacity Canada is currently accepting applications for its most sought-after program – Creative Day For Social Good (CD4SG).

As we are well aware, marketing is critical to the success of non-profit organizations in advancing their mission. Every year, Capacity Canada invites non-profit organizations from across the country to apply to participate in Creative Day for Social Good (CD4SG). Around 100 students pursuing Public Relations and Graphic Design from Conestoga College team up with industry professionals to create free-of-cost marketing tools for participating charitable non-profits.

This year’s focus is on two key elements that our not-for-profit sector can benefit from after a challenging few years:

  • Branding (visual identity, logo creation or revision, brand guidelines etc.)
  • Development of a public awareness, marketing campaign, fundraising campaign support (social media strategies and content, fundraising material, video storyboards, appeal letters, a case for support, etc.)

If you think your organization will benefit from CD4SG, then don’t forget to submit an application to the program here.

Learn More and Apply Today!



NFP Assessment and Capacity Planning

Our pilot program – NFP Assessment and Capacity Building – continues to support charities and non-profit organizations in the Waterloo Region and across Canada with facilitated organizational assessments, helping leadership teams spot opportunities for organizational development, find alignment, and commit to action.

Interested NFPs are encouraged to apply for our rolling intake which will continue until the pilot program is full.

Assessments can be done on a standalone basis, but we are also prioritizing opportunities to leverage assessment insights to support the success of key organizational initiatives.

To apply or to learn more about the program, visit our website.

Learn More & Apply Today!


LIMITED SPOTS! Registration for Board Governance BootCamp is Open!

♦Registration for Capacity Canada’s highly anticipated annual Board Governance BootCamp is now open. This year, the BootCamp will be held on November 26, 27, and 28, 2024, at the Bingemans Conference Centre in Kitchener.



♦What’s exciting? You will have the flexibility to choose a governance track for the entire three-day BootCamp, and we are also offering two optional concurrent Pre-BootCamp Workshops! Limited spots are available – learn more about our BootCamp and register today on our website.



Learn More & Register Today!



GST/HST Series for Charities & Non-Profits

This series is intended for both charities and non-profits and is designed for directors, staff members and individuals who may be involved in their organization’s GST/HST.

The series is hosted by Michael Monk, GST/HST and Digital Compliance Directorate, Canada Revenue Agency and consists of 6 different webinars.

Are you not currently GST/HST registered, or do you believe your entity is “too small”? We suggest you still attend! You will learn how to maximize your GST/HST recoveries and avoid mistakes. If you would like a refresher or to simply hear directly from CRAthat you are “doing things right,” this webinar is for you. Limited spots available. Register today!

  1. GST/HST Public Service Bodies’ Rebates for Charities & Non-Profits
    Thursday, September 5, 2024 – Noon to 1:00 pm ET
  2. GST/HST Audits & Examinations + Books and Record-Keeping for Charities & Non-Profits
    Thursday, October 3, 2024 – Noon to 1:00 pm ET
  3. GST/HST Directors’ Liability + Your Taxpayer Rights for Charities & Non-Profits
    Thursday, November 7, 2024 -Noon to 1:00 pm ET

Limited spots available. Register Today!

Learn More & Register Today!


Upcoming Webinar in Collaboration with CPA Ontario!

At Capacity Canada, we recognize the unique challenges and opportunities faced by non-profit boards. The Certificate in Advanced Non-Profit Board Excellence (Instructor-Led), delivered in collaboration with CPA Ontario, is designed to provide current and aspiring board members with the strategic insights, skills, and tools necessary to excel in their roles.

The program experience will include live instructor-led classes, reading materials and journaling opportunities to reflect on your personal experience with board roles and responsibilities.

By finishing this course, you will receive necessary credits for your CPA Ontario membership.

The program will run between September 9th and October 28th, 2024.

Don’t miss your chance to enroll before the registration closes on September 4th, 2024.

Learn More & Register Today!



Learn More about our Board Opportunities!

Looking for Board and CEO/ED roles in non-profits? Our platform can help! With an extensive network and resources, we’ll attract the best candidates for your needs.

Current Postings

  • Trinity Village
  • Parents for Community Living
  • MakeWay’s
    • Apply by August 7, 2024
  • Connections
  • National Ski Academy
  • Cecil Community Centre
Learn More!


Support Capacity Canada

Each year, we help non-profits from all across Canada with Board Governance training. We are always grateful for our non-profit partners, community leaders, and their support. We are also grateful for the ongoing generous support of Suncor Energy Foundation and the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation. Your financial support will help Capacity Canada bring together the ideas, people, and resources that fuel social innovation.

Donate Today!


Thank you to our Funders

♦ ♦ ♦


The post July 2024 Edition appeared first on Capacity Canada.

Code Like a Girl

How Much Does it Cost to Create an App in 2024?

If I ask you how you book a taxi to reach your destination, Most probably, you are using an app like Uber, Lyft, Curb, Hailo, etc.

According to information from Business of Apps, over 300 million people use taxi apps globally, and DiDi and Uber make up about half of those users—that’s a lot of people catching rides on their smartphones.

That’s a really a revenue-generating app. Looking at the success of these apps, you might have thought about developing them. You might want to know-how much does mobile app development costs in India?

Developing an app for any service makes sense in this fastest-growing digital landscape. The app industry is projected to reach US$673.80bn by 2027.

♦Image Source

When you are in or thinking of getting an app, the first and most common question that strikes to mind is: How much does it cost to create one?

If you search for this on the web, you get the average cost to build a mobile app with fundamental features: approximately $5,000 — $50,000. But you know this is not a fixed range. The cost of developing an app depends on various factors.

After meeting with an app developer working in a reputed mobile app development company, give a breakdown of what factors actually play a role in determining the exact cost of an app.

That is what we will see below; just keep reading it.

Factors That Play an Important Role in Calculating Mobile App Development Cost

A discussion of mobile application development costs must consider the multiple factors that significantly impact the budget. Below is a detailed discussion of some of the critical factors that can help businesses estimate the cost of building a mobile app.

1. Location of the app development team

The app developer you will hire and their location affect the cost of app development. That means the cost of hiring app developers in India is different from the cost of hiring them in countries like the USA, UK, etc.

Thus, choosing the right location for your development team is crucial while outsourcing app development. There are three main options to consider:

1. Onshore outsourcing, the app developers will be in your country.

2. The offshore app development services allow you to work with an app developer from anywhere in the world,

3. Nearshore outsourcing involves working with an app development country or an individual developer from your neighbouring country.

Moreover, at what location the average cost of app developers are-

  • India- $20 to $40 per hour
  • United States- $140 to $160 per hour
  • Eastern Europe- $30 to $70 per hour
  • Australia- $100 to $140 per hour
  • United Kingdom- $120 to $150 per hour
  • Western Europe- $80 to $100 per hour
2. The technology stack used to develop an app

Another factor in calculating app development costs is the type of technologies that are being used, implemented, or integrated.

For example, using frameworks like React Native to develop a cross-platform app could be more cost-effective than developing native apps for iOS and Android separately.

Native app development requires different skill sets for each platform, like for Android- you need to hire an Android app development company with engineers in Java, Android Studio, Kotlin, etc.

For the iOS category, the developers should know-

  • Swift
  • Xcode

Besides, integrating technologies such as AR, VR, and AI can also significantly add to the development costs due to the complexity and expertise required.

Whether you are on cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure, the cost of the app can even be influenced.

3. The complexity of the app features

The features you decide to include in your mobile app significantly determine the overall app development cost. Basic features like user registration, profile creation, and simple search functionalities are relatively straightforward and inexpensive to develop.

However, more complex features such as real-time chat, in-app purchases, geo-location services, or integrating third-party services can substantially increase the development cost.

Even if the UI/UX is complex, the cost of the app will be high. If you do more animation, the cost will be higher. In fact, opting for a custom-designed interface will require more work and thus be more costly than a simple, standard design.

4. App Category

The development cost of an app ranges from very low to high, depending on the type of app you are building. Moving from one category to another involves changes in factors like

  • functionalities
  • number of users
  • security criteria
  • team size

These all lead to varying costs. Here is a list of app categories that you can consider when developing your own app.

  • E-commerce/M-Commerce Apps: These apps — for example, Amazon — are appropriate for their robust feature list, responsiveness in real-time, scalability to support millions of users, and secure cloud environment.
  • On-Demand Apps: Even simple on-demand apps have three versions: for users, service providers, and businesses. For instance, “ Uber” is a service app of on-demand type based on IoT technology that eases driving to users.
  • Social Networking Apps: These apps require third-party integrations and access to hardware functions like cameras and audio recorders. Compared to apps with simple functionality, they can reach a large audience without an increase in development cost.

Similarly, there are other categories you opt for, but what you choose will be different from the other category.

  • E-commerce app: $50,000 — $150,000
  • Social media app: $50k — $300k
  • Learning app (e.g., Duolingo): $60,000 — $225,000
  • Dating app (e.g., Tinder): $50k — $350 k,
  • Gaming app: $60,000 — $250,000

5. App maintenance and update

Ongoing maintenance, bug fixes, updates, new feature additions, etc., are hidden costs you might have to pay.

Generally, app maintenance can cost 15% to 20% of the initial development cost per year. This includes server costs, cloud services, updating the app to comply with new mobile operating system updates, and possibly scaling up the app’s capabilities as your user base grows.

Wrapping up.

When calculating the cost of building an app, other factors such as marketing costs, third-party integration costs, and multi-platform support costs must be considered.

So, consider all the above points to answer your question—how much does it cost to develop an app? Moreover, to get the right figure, partner with the best mobile app development company in India. Yes, they will give the proper breakdown of the cost of developing a mobile app.

How Much Does it Cost to Create an App in 2024? was originally published in Code Like A Girl on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Kitchener Panthers

WEEK AHEAD: Busy end to hot month of July

KITCHENER - After winning six of seven games, the Kitchener Panthers suddenly find themselves on a three-game slide.

But it hasn't been due to a lack of effort, as the Panthers have scored a whopping 35 runs in the last three games.

Raul Gonzalez continues to run a hot bat, hitting .436 in the month of July with four home runs and 18 RBI. He has also struck out just three times.

Nick Parsons is on a 15-game hitting streak, and is hitting .400 this month.

On Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Kitchener will play host to the Hamilton Cardinals for the first time since the teams opened their seasons at Jack Couch Park on May 16. The away team has won all three meetings head-to-head.

The Cardinals are on a three-game losing skid after back-to-back losses to Guelph and a loss in Barrie on Tuesday.



Kitchener visits Barrie on Saturday afternoon at 4:05 p.m.

Barrie has had Kitchener's number this year, winning all three meetings this season. The Baycats have used the long ball to do most of its damage, hitting eight home runs against the Panthers.

On Sunday, the Welland Jackfish head to Jack Couch Park for a 2 p.m. start.

Welland has outscored Kitchener 28-8 in two meetings this year, but the Fish have lost three of its last four.

Jake Sanford is on a six-game hitting streak, and is hitting .375 in 17 games overall. 

Matteo Porcellato is coming off an all-star MVP performance last weekend, and has hits in seven of 10 games in July. He has also struck out 11 times this month.

Sunday is also SPORTS SUNDAY at the ballpark!

Wrapping up the week, Kitchener will host Brantford Tuesday for a rain delay make up game at 7:30 p.m.

The Red Sox have won two of three over Kitchener, but Brantford has lost eight of its last nine games.

  • Thursday, July 25 vs. Hamilton (7:30 p.m.) - WATCH LIVE - LISTEN LIVE - TICKETS
  • Saturday, July 27 at Barrie (4:05 p.m.) - WATCH LIVE
  • Sunday, July 28 vs. Welland (2 p.m.) - WATCH LIVE - TICKETS
  • Tuesday, July 30 vs. Brantford (7:30 p.m.) - WATCH LIVE - TICKETS

Elmira Advocate




Some of my questions regarding Elmira cleanup failures go back years. Others are merely months old as in back to the Environmental Awareness Event held at Rural Routes, Elmira in February.  Good gosh just look at my partially custom produced map (2' x 3') first started in 2014 and added to as information has grown over the years.  Way back in January 2020 or 2021 Ramin (Lanxess) deigned to talk about it with me at the end of a TRAC meeting . Yes the end of the meeting and hence most TRAC pieces of crap left. Unbelievable. Sebastian and I made a bit of a cold presentation anyways. Tokenism combined with fairy dust and less.

That map is a glaring indictment of all that is wrong and perverse with the Elmira cleanup.  It shows where the overflowing east side pits and ponds followed the slope of the land both east and south (& somewhat west) .  It shows where DDT, dioxins, NDMA, PAHs, 2,4-D and so much more settled in low lying areas both on and off the Uniroyal site. The topographical lines ensure that gravity flow of contaminants, far and wide, is readily seen and understood. It shows the various off-site paths these contaminants took over to both the Martin and Stroh properties.

all of this denied of course so that instead of proper cleanup eventually it will simply be buried under east side development and roadways. The corruption runs deep and Woolwich are up to their ears in it.  

Elmira Advocate




Woolwich deception can be by commission or omission. All lying is on the table when Woolwich are covering up their embarrassing behaviour.  Yesterday I listed several recent examples (last few months) in which they have either flat out refused to acknowledge my e-mail communications to all councillors or they have refused to respond in writing. An other option is their long held tactic of deflection. ...Oh Mr. Marshall in line 7 of the second paragraph you used a harsh word namely "shi*#ead" and our highly trained and ultra sensitive staff have never in their lives been subjected to such extreme verbal violence and potentially mentally damaging language hence we can not possibly comment to you as to why the sub-surface DNAPLS in RPW-6, nine feet below ground surface, have never been removed.  Please try again say in about a decade and if we have recovered we will certainly respond....

   Yes  those two previous sentences are a tiny exaggeration but you get the point. They, the Township have been pulling this sh*# for decades and while they think it's perfectly O.K. to lie like dogs (i.e. full denial)  or simple refusal to answer or deflection, it is not. We pay those a#@holes to respond to us and after three decades plus of their lying and bull*hit I'm bluntly, as I see fit, calling them out. 

One recent non-response I got from a Township staff person and failed to include in yesterday's post was a very simple and straight forward question asking about Township policies in issuing building permits within certain distances from former landfills. I've asked (in writing-  e-mail) twice now and still nothing.  Not even a confirmation that they've received it and are looking at it. 

I challenge anybody to put up with this bull%$it for 35 years and keep on fighting with clean hands. Woolwich Township are YELLOW, GUTLESS WONDERS  who are even too chicken to face me in a public debate.  

Code Like a Girl

How to Deal With a Bad Day at Work

Where the head goes, the body follows. Perception precedes action. Right action follows the proper perspective.

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Code Like a Girl

Understanding Apache Airflow: A Personal Journey

As a data engineer, I’ve had my fair share of sleepless nights trying to manage complex data pipelines. That was until I discovered Apache…

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Code Like a Girl

How to Write a Forth Interpreter in 80 Lines of Code in Python

Part 1.

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James Davis Nicoll

Listen Carefully / An Introduction to Interspecies Linguistics (Heterogenia Linguistico, volume 1) By Salt Seno (Translated by Amanda Haley)

Heterogenia Linguistico, Volume 1: An Introduction to Interspecies Linguistics is the first tankōbon for Salt Seno’s secondary-world comparative-linguistics manga. Serialized in Young Ace Up since 2018, the 2020 English translation is by Amanda Haley.

When his mentor is injured, Hakaba is dispatched to take the old linguist’s place. The subject matter — comparative linguistics — is straightforward. It is the location that might give some qualms: the Netherworld, land of monsters!

The Backing Bookworm

Ready or Not

I've been a fan of Cara Bastone's audiobooks/audio plays on Audible for awhile now. I love how her audiobooks include a cast of narrators and background sounds which put the reader right in the heart of the story.
Ready or Not is Bastone's latest book and it's a heartwarming, easy contemporary fiction listen with some late stage romance that includes the accidental pregnancy, childhood friends to lovers and 'he falls first' tropes.
This is a slow burn romance with some spice. The pacing slows even more in the middle, but I appreciate how the author shows the different stages of pregnancy and the complicated emotions and issues that are raised when soon-to-be parents who aren't together try to navigate their relationship.
I was surprised that (for me anyway) the heart of the book isn't the prospective parents, Eve and Ethan. It's actually Shep, the older brother of Eve's BFF who is sweet, devoted (pretty swoony) and clearly overlooked by Eve.
This book had humour and heart but not quite enough of each for my tastes. It's a decent story but also kind of forgettable. I'd recommend it to contemporary romance audiobook lovers, but I feel that Bastone's earlier work is stronger.

My Rating: 3 starsAuthor: Cara BastoneGenre: RomanceType and Source: eAudiobook from Audible.caNarrator: Alex FinkeRun Time:  10 hours, 50 minutesPublisher: Audible OriginalsPub Date: February 13, 2024

Book Description from GoodReads: A surprise pregnancy leads to even more life-changing revelations in this heartfelt, slow-burn, friends-to-lovers romance of found family and unexpected love.
Eve Hatch lives for surprises! Just kidding. She expects every tomorrow to be pretty much the same as today. She loves her cozy apartment in Brooklyn that’s close to her childhood best friend Willa, and far from her midwestern, traditional family who has never really understood her. While her job is only dream-adjacent, it’s comfortable and steady. She always knows what to expect from her life . . . until she finds herself expecting after an uncharacteristic one-night stand.

The unplanned pregnancy cracks open all the relationships in her life. Eve’s loyal friendship with Willa is feeling tense, right when she needs her the most. And it’s actually Willa’s steadfast older brother, Shep, who steps up to help Eve. He has always been friendly, but now he’s checking in, ordering her surprise lunches, listening to all her complaints, and is . . . suddenly kinda hot? Then, as if she needs one more complication, there’s the baby’s father, who is (technically) supportive but (majorly) conflicted.

Up until this point, Eve’s been content to coast through life. Now, though—maybe it’s the hormones, maybe it’s the way Shep’s shoulders look in a T-shirt—Eve starts to wonder if she has been secretly desiring more from every aspect of her life.

Over the course of nine months, as Eve struggles to figure out the next right step in her expanding reality, she begins to realize that family and love, in all forms, can sneak up on you when you least expect it.

Code Like a Girl

Level Up Your Code: How Reviews Make You a Better Programmer

Enhancing Development Efficiency and Quality♦Image from GitKraKenThe Billion-Dollar Bug Hunt

Did you know software defects cost the U.S. economy an estimated $2.41 trillion annually, according to a 2022 report by the Consortium for Information & Software Quality (CISQ)? This shows that effective code reviews are not just about finding bugs; they are crucial for maintaining high-quality software that drives business success.

So, how can you transform your code review process into an engine for development efficiency and quality?

This article will explore how to transform your code review process. You will discover tips for creating a collaborative review culture, thoroughness, and continuous improvement of your process for more tremendous success.

Setting the Stage for Success: Defining Clear Objectives for Code Reviews♦Creator: bsd studio | Credit: Getty Images

Reviews can become unfocused without clear objectives and fail to address the code’s critical aspects. So, you should clearly outline your goals for each code review to ensure the process is efficient and focused.

Here’s how you can effectively define and communicate clear objectives for your code reviews:

Key Areas of Focus:
  • Functionality: Ensure the code works as intended and meets the specified requirements.
  • Maintainability: Check if the code is easy to understand, well-organized, and can be easily modified in the future.
  • Performance: Ensure the code is optimized for performance.
  • Security: Identify potential security vulnerabilities.
Why Clear Objectives Matter

Clear objectives are important because they make the review process smoother and also achieve the following:

  • Focused Evaluation: Clear objectives provide a framework for what needs to be reviewed. This focus ensures that the reviewers concentrate on critical aspects of the code, such as functionality, performance, security, readability, and maintainability, rather than getting distracted by less relevant details.
  • Consistency and Standardization: When objectives are clearly set, all reviewers have a common understanding of what is expected. This helps maintain a standard quality across the codebase, as all code is evaluated against the same or one criteria.
  • Efficient Use of Time: Reviewers can efficiently allocate their time and resources. They can prioritize their efforts on areas that matter, reducing the time spent on irrelevant or less critical issues. This leads to quicker turnaround times for code reviews.
  • Reduced Technical Debt: Reviewers can identify and address potential pitfalls that could lead to future problems, ensuring the code remains clean and manageable over time.
Establish Coding Standards♦Creator Credit: Academy to Innovate HK

Maintaining a consistent codebase is crucial for efficient code reviews and reducing the likelihood of errors. A consistent codebase ensures that all team members follow the same patterns, conventions, and practices, making the code easier to understand, review, and maintain. Here is why consistency matters:

Why Consistency Matters
  • Improved Readability: Consistent coding styles help make code easier to read and understand. This means team members can quickly grasp what the code does without needing to figure out unfamiliar formats, which improves collaboration and makes troubleshooting more efficient.
  • Easier Maintenance: When everyone uses the same methods and rules, maintaining the code becomes easier. Developers can quickly locate specific code and make changes faster, saving time searching through the codebase.
  • Reduced Errors: Consistency reduces the chances of making mistakes. This is because when everyone follows the same rules, it helps prevent errors like typos, problems with how the code works, and unintentional bugs, which makes software development more dependable.
  • Efficient Onboarding: When the code is consistent, new team members can learn faster. The clear standards give them a structured way to understand how the code functions, which helps them join the team more quickly.
Achieving Consistency: Key Strategies
  • Choose a well-defined style guide that suits your programming language and project needs. Examples include the Google JavaScript Style Guide, the Airbnb React/JSX Style Guide, and the PEP 8 for Python.
  • Make sure that the style guide is accessible to all team members. Incorporate it into your project documentation and onboarding materials.
  • Use static code analysis tools such Pylint (for Python), SonarQube that support multiple languages and analyze code quality and security vulnerabilities. You can explore more tools here.
  • Integrate these tools into your development workflow through pre-commit hooks or continuous integration (CI) pipelines.
Crafting Effective Reviews

Effective code reviews are important for making sure software is high-quality and reliable. Here are some principles you can follow to make your code as effective as possible:

  • Limit Review Size: Break down large chunks of code into smaller parts. This helps reviewers focus better, give detailed feedback faster, and catch important issues early.
  • Prioritize Critical Sections: Start by reviewing the most important parts of the code first. Focus on functions and areas that have a big impact on how well the software works.
  • Actionable Feedback: Don’t just point out problems; provide suggestions for improvement or alternative approaches.be a superhero teammate!
  • Positive Review Culture: Maintain a respectful and constructive tone. Focus on improving the code, not criticizing the developer. Encourage teamwork and sharing ideas to create better software together.
Building a Collaborative Team

To achieve success in software development, fostering a collaborative team environment is essential. It helps everyone understand the goals and solve problems effectively. It promotes shared understanding and effective problem-solving. Here are strategies to improve teamwork and make your code better:

  • Review Checklists: Create a checklist to guide reviewers and ensure consistent coverage of critical areas, saving time and frustration down the line.
  • Balance Speed and Thoroughness: Strive for efficient reviews while maintaining code quality.
  • Encourage Pair Programming: Pair programming sessions can help identify issues early on and improve code quality.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly evaluate your code review process and iterate based on team feedback.
  • Learn from the wisdom of others: Every programmer has their own unique way of coding. Code reviews allow you to see how others approach problems, giving you new ideas and techniques.

Effective code reviews are important for successful software development. Setting clear goals, maintaining coding standards, and fostering teamwork makes it easier for teams to catch bugs early and improve code quality.

Following these practices helps development teams write better code faster and more confidently. Remember, code reviews are not just about fixing mistakes but more about ongoing improvement and teamwork. By using feedback to refine development processes, you can deliver software that effectively meets user needs and business goals.


  1. The Importance of Code Reviews — Code Institute Global. codeinstitute.net/global/blog/the-importance-of-code-reviews/
  2. Infosys. (2018). The State of DevOps 2018. (services.google.com/fh/files/misc/state-of-devops-2021.pdf)
  3. Kung, D., Collyer, A., & Sinha, S. (2010, May). Debugging and testing in extreme scaling: A view from the trenches. In Proceedings of the 2010 I.C.S.E. Companion on Impacting Industry Practice through Software Engineering Research (pp. 1–6). A.C.M.

4. Cost of Poor Software Quality in the U.S.: A 2022 Report — CISQ (www.it-cisq.org/)

5. Atlassian, 2022 www.atlassian.com/blog/add-ons/code-review-best-practices

Level Up Your Code: How Reviews Make You a Better Programmer was originally published in Code Like A Girl on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

House of Friendship

Music Lets ShelterCare Participants Shine

Skylar, a master’s student in music therapy at Wilfrid Laurier University, is interning at ShelterCare this summer as part of their certification.

“Music is a universal experience. I think that everyone has some sort of connection to music.”  

Skylar, a master’s student in music therapy at Wilfrid Laurier University, is spending their summer interning at ShelterCare and supportive housing as part of their certification. 

This is something new for our ShelterCare program, which has never had a full-time music therapist before. 

ShelterCare provides 24/7 emergency shelter along with health–care and recreational support for individuals experiencing homelessness, helping them to get healthier and housed. 

At ShelterCare, Skylar leads different group sessions to accommodate various interests and abilities. At Monday Music Drop-ins, participants can try out instruments such as guitars, ukuleles, keyboards, and percussion. Skylar also ensures there’s music playing through speakers for those who prefer to listen. 

Skylar also holds Music and Meditation sessions on Mondays and incorporates music into Wednesday’s yoga sessions.  

“I try to make it as barrier-free as possible,” Skylar explains. “You don’t have to be a musician to benefit from music therapy. Music is for everyone.” 

Participants often reveal hidden talents when they are given the chance to explore music. 

“It’s interesting to see how individuals will open up to music,” said Skylar. They remember a moment when one participant, who had been modest about his guitar skills, amazed everyone with his talent during a drop-in session, playing “the best guitar playing I’ve ever heard.”  

“For me, music is therapy and music is healing,” said Will, one of the program participants at ShelterCare. “It’s motivational and brings people together. The more we can encourage people to spend time with music, the more good comes into the world.” 

Skylar’s approach to music therapy shows how inclusive and powerful music can be. “It’s a great way to get to know a person and who they are,” Skylar adds.  

Thank you for your support of innovative programs like ShelterCare, where the talents and strengths of individuals experiencing homelessness get a chance to shine! 

The post Music Lets ShelterCare Participants Shine appeared first on House Of Friendship.

Kitchener-Waterloo Real Estate Blog

Waterloo Region Luxury Market Report | July 2024

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

The post Waterloo Region Luxury Market Report | July 2024 appeared first on Kitchener Waterloo Real Estate Agent - The Deutschmann Team.


HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Rapid transport from the surface to wells in fractured rock: A unique infiltration tracer experiment

Levison, J., & Novakowski, K. S. (2012). Rapid transport from the surface to wells in fractured rock: A unique infiltration tracer experiment. In Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (Vol. 131, Issues 1–4, pp. 29–38). Elsevier BV. doi.org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2012.01.001

“This experiment, interpreted using the discrete-fracture capability of the numerical model HydroGeoSphere, showed that solute transport from the surface through thin soil (less than 2 m) to wells in fractured bedrock can be extremely rapid (on the order of hours.”
— Levison, J., et al., 2012


In this study, researchers investigated the dynamics of rapid transport from the surface to monitoring wells in fractured rock environments using a unique infiltration tracer experiment. The focus was on understanding how tracers or contaminants move quickly through fractures to wells, which is crucial for assessing water quality and contamination risks.

The field and numerical experiment involved introducing a tracer at the surface and tracking the progress as it moved through the fracture network to the wells. The research demonstrates how quickly solutes can move from the surface to wells in fractured bedrock, particularly in settings with thin overburden. Central to the study is the use of HydroGeoSphere (HGS), Aquanty’s powerful modelling platform that simulates the interactions between surface water and groundwater. Using HGS, researchers tracked the movement of a fluorescent dye applied to the land surface in an agricultural field near Perth, Ontario, Canada. This approach revealed that rapid transport through fractures can significantly influence groundwater quality, highlighting the importance of understanding fracture networks to predict contamination risks.

Fig. 4. HydroGeoSphere domain (not to scale).

HGS was employed to enhance the understanding of tracer transport dynamics, and model the discrete-fracture capability, showing how contaminants navigate through thin soil layers and fractured bedrock. The model illustrated how fractures control the speed and direction of tracer transport and helped assess how different fracture configurations and hydraulic properties influence this process. This model allowed researchers to compare the transport dynamics and maximum contaminant concentrations at different aquifer depths.

A key feature of HGS is its ability to simulate the complex pathways and rapid transport of contaminants in fractured rock environments by pairing porous media flow and transport with discrete fracture networks. The model's ability to integrate these factors provided a comprehensive understanding of how quickly and extensively contaminants can spread in such settings.


A unique infiltration tracer experiment was performed whereby a fluorescent dye was applied to the land surface in an agricultural field, near Perth, Ontario, Canada, to simulate the transport of solutes to two pumped monitoring wells drilled into the granitic gneiss aquifer. This experiment, interpreted using the discrete-fracture capability of the numerical model HydroGeoSphere, showed that solute transport from the surface through thin soil (less than 2 m) to wells in fractured bedrock can be extremely rapid (on the order of hours). Also, it was demonstrated that maximum concentrations of contaminants originating from the ground surface will not necessarily be the highest in the shallow aquifer horizon. These are important considerations for both private and government-owned drinking water systems that draw water from shallow fractured bedrock aquifers. This research illustrates the extreme importance of protecting drinking water at the source.


“The breakthrough curves generated in HydroGeoSphere were corrected for mixing in the borehole by using a simple analytical solution”
— Levison, J. K., et al., 2012

Click here to read more HGS research highlights related to ecosystem health.

Code Like a Girl

HR — From Ally To Adversary

How A Department Meant To Protect Workers Became A Weaponized Tool Of Management

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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Waterloo Region Stories

July Mentor of the Month

Meet Thomas: Our Mentor of the Month ♦


We are thrilled to spotlight Thomas, our Mentor of the Month! Thomas moved to Waterloo as a student attending the University of Waterloo and has been a proud community member ever since. When he’s not working as an accountant for a local non-profit, Thomas can be found spending quality time with his two children, indulging in his passions as a “dance dad,” cheering on his favorite baseball teams, or grilling up a storm in his backyard.

Thomas’s connection to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Waterloo Region (BBBSWR) dates back to his childhood, where he witnessed a friend benefit from having a Big Brother. Inspired by this, he began his own journey with us in early 2019, starting with the Game On program. Although the shift to online formats during the pandemic brought its own set of challenges, Thomas adapted and has since been actively involved with the Big Bunch program.

His motivation to volunteer stemmed from a desire to get more physically active and explore new experiences while giving back to the community. For Thomas, mentoring is about being a positive role model—engaging with mentees, listening, encouraging, and providing a safe space where they can truly be themselves.

Thomas’s extensive volunteering history includes assisting at the hospital in high school, working at a local historical site, participating in an adult reading program, and contributing to Block Parents. His current involvement with BBBSWR continues this tradition of service, reflecting his belief that volunteering helps broaden one’s perspective and connect with the community on a deeper level.

An average day with his mentees is anything but predictable. Whether it’s a lively dodgeball game, building a Lego robot, or a fun round of charades, Thomas embraces the spontaneity and joy that each session brings. His favorite aspect of volunteering is the opportunity to engage with kids at their level, enjoy fun activities together, and experience those small but significant moments of connection and growth.

One of Thomas’s cherished memories is from his early days with the Game On program. Despite the initial challenges of working with a group of energetic fifth graders, the heartfelt reactions and gratitude from the children on the final day underscored the positive impact of his efforts.

Thomas acknowledges that the influence of a mentor might not always be immediately visible, but he believes that simply being present, offering encouragement, and providing new perspectives can make a meaningful difference. He’s also found that volunteering has honed his ability to command attention with his “Dad voice,” a skill that proves invaluable when managing a group of excited kids.

For those contemplating volunteering, Thomas advises embracing the chaos and unpredictability that often comes with the role. Get actively involved, even if it’s outside your comfort zone, and be open to the unexpected moments that can turn into powerful experiences. The rewards, though sometimes subtle, are well worth the effort.

Thank you, Thomas, for your incredible dedication and for making a significant impact in the lives of our youth. Your commitment to mentorship is truly inspiring, and we are grateful to have you as part of the BBBSWR family

The post July Mentor of the Month appeared first on Big Brothers Big Sisters of Waterloo Region.

James Davis Nicoll

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi / Farnham’s Freehold By Robert A. Heinlein

Robert A. Heinlein’s 1963 Farnham’s Freehold is a stand-alone post-holocaust novel.

Middle-aged contractor Hugh Farnham and wife Grace host a bridge party for their son Duke, daughter Karen, and Karen’s friend Barbara. Also in attendance, the Farnham’s African American houseboy Joe. The party is marred by alcoholic Grace’s behavior1, for which Duke blames Hugh’s obsession with nuclear war.

The massive Soviet nuclear attack that ensues lends credence to Hugh’s concerns about nuclear war. Luckily for the Farnhams, Karen, and Joe — perhaps less luckily for the reader — Hugh’s preparations include a well-prepared subterranean shelter.

Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Comerce

New Hospital Site Announcement

Region of Waterloo – JULY 22, 2024 – BESTWR business coalition SUPPORTS NEW HOSPITAL SITE

Today is an exciting day in our Region as Grand River Hospital and St. Mary’s Hospital announced the location for the new hospital. The Business Economic Support Team of Waterloo Region (BESTWR) celebrates this important step and thanks the Site Selection Committee for its work.

There is urgency in moving forward on a new hospital build as we prepare to be a community of 1 million residents by 2044. A new hospital is critical infrastructure and essential for the health of our citizens and community.

The work BESTWR has been doing to raise the issues are key building blocks for success as we strive towards Vision 1 Million. This requires thoughtful planning and having the infrastructure, housing and health care needs in place to ensure a path to success.

My colleagues of BESTWR are excited with this announcement and we will do our part to encourage the province to fund the construction phase as a top provincial priority.

The business community is dedicated to recruiting and retaining physicians to our community and committed to supporting our community to have the health care it needs and deserves. Today’s announcement will certainly support those efforts.

Waterloo Region is home to a world class health innovation ecosystem – driving change in research, patient care, development and new delivery of health care which will support the economic health of our community.

BESTWR looks forward to the next step, a groundbreaking ceremony. Onward!


For more information, please contact:
Ian McLean, Chair, Business and Economic Support Team of Waterloo Region

The post New Hospital Site Announcement appeared first on Chamber of Commerce KW.

Code Like a Girl

The July 19th CrowdStrike Windows Glitch Explained

So Simple Even Grandma and Grandpa Will Get It♦Created in Canva

As a 20-year veteran in the tech industry, I’ve seen my fair share of technical mishaps.

When I heard that CrowdStrike was linked to the recent Windows outage, my experience developing a Windows driver for BlackBerry 15 years ago immediately came to mind. Back then, I dealt with countless blue screens and crashes, so I have a good sense of what might have gone wrong.

The issue from last Friday is intricate and might need to be clarified, even for those well-versed in software development but unfamiliar with Windows drivers or Kernel space.

This article aims to simplify the situation, breaking it down in an accessible way even to those without a technical background — or even your grandparents.

Assume a Windows Machine is Your HouseUser Space

To understand better, let’s assume a Windows computer is your house. Imagine the rooms in your home—your kitchen, living room, and bedroom. These are where you do everyday activities, cook meals, watch TV, and relax. These are the visible, accessible areas where you directly interact with your home’s features.

We will call this part of your home User Space. This is also the space in your computer that you see and interact with. There is what you see on the screen and point at with your mouse. This is called User Space in Windows as well.

Kernel Space

There is also a hidden world in your house. The behind-the-walls system includes the foundation, plumbing, electrical, and heating. You don’t see these systems while going about your daily activities, but they are essential for ensuring everything works properly. They handle crucial functions like delivering water and electricity and maintaining home operations.

This is the internal infrastructure of your house. In a computer, this area is called the Kernel Space.

♦This left half shows the user-accessible space in your house—what you see and use. The right side shows the internal infrastructure of the house, including the heating and cooling ducts.CrowdStrike is Your New Smart Thermostat

Consider adding a new feature to your house, like installing a smart thermostat. This latest addition wasn’t part of the original house, but it needs to connect to and work with the existing heating and cooling systems (Internal Infrastructure) to function correctly.

It monitors the temperature in your house and works with the existing infrastructure to operate effectively. Since you, the user, or the home’s original builder do not build this component (thermostat), it is called a Third-Party Application.

Similarly, Crowdstrike has built an application called Falcon to run on your Windows machine and monitor its security. To do that properly, it must connect to your computer's Kernel Space/Internal Infrastructure.

Since Falcon was not created by Microsoft or the user, it is called a Third-Party Application.

The Certification Process

When a company such as Google builds a home thermostat (Nest), it must certify that its product will work with your customer’s heating and cooling system before selling it.

So, let’s assume you buy a Nest thermostat, bring it home, and attach it to your heating and cooling system. The Nest has now started monitoring your house's temperature and telling the heating and cooling system when to change it.

Similarly, you can buy Falcon by Crowdstrike and install it on your computer. This will allow it to monitor your computer's security and tell your computer's internal infrastructure, which lives in kernel space, to do things to protect your computer.

Any application on a Windows machine that accesses the kernel space must be certified by Windows before it can run on the machine. If it doesn’t get certified, it can’t run. But sometimes, huge security risks are discovered quickly, and an update to Falcon is needed.

Sometimes, companies split their applications into two parts: one that works in Kernel space and one that works in user space only. The part in kernel space needs the certification, while the part in user space does not.

So if there is a new attack, they can send information quickly to user space and tell the kernel space part of the application to look there. It can then use that information in kernel space to protect against attacks. And because they didn’t have to update the kernel space, they didn’t need to certify it.

BUT, and there is a huge BUT here. They have to do that carefully. It is possible to update the information in user space so that it will accidentally confuse the application in kernel space, and things can go sideways. So, if you are doing this, it must be adequately tested.

Do you see where we might be going? …..

How Did It All Go Wrong?

Your new Nest Smart thermostat allows you to set the temperature from your phone and directly controls your home’s heating and cooling systems from the panel on the wall and your smartphone.

Now, suppose Google releases a software update for the Nest. This update improves the mobile app that you use to set the temperature but doesn’t include changes to the part of the thermostat that directly controls your heating and cooling systems. Remember, the infrastructure side needs to be certified, so they wouldn’t want to change that often and to get updates out faster, they might build in a way that only the mobile app needs changes, but it should still work with the infrastructure side.

Here’s where things go wrong: The updated app introduces new features or settings that are supposed to work with the thermostat. However, the thermostat’s core control system, which manages the heating and cooling, didn’t handle the changes as expected. The software developers forgot to test this change with the existing infrastructure and failed to realize that it would also need changes to work correctly.

So, when you use the new app to set a temperature, the updated data is passed to the thermostat’s control system. However, because the core system wasn’t updated, it couldn’t interpret or handle this new data correctly. This mismatch causes the thermostat to send incorrect signals to your heating and cooling systems. As a result, your heating might turn on when it’s already warm, or the cooling system might fail to turn on when it’s hot, causing your home to become uncomfortable.

Let’s say that in this case, the only way to fix the system is to disconnect it from the wall, connect the display to your computer, update the software, and then reconnect it to the wall.

Falcon is like a smart thermostat in the context of a Windows machine. It has a component or “Driver” that operates in Kernel Space (like the thermostat’s core control system) and another in User Space (like the mobile app you use). If CrowdStrike updates only the User Space component without updating the Kernel Space Driver, the system can experience problems.

When Falcon’s Kernel Space driver pulls data from the updated User Space component, the incompatibility can cause a critical failure, resulting in a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). Fixing this involves manually rebooting the computer into Safe Mode (like manually fixing the thermostat), removing the problematic driver, and rebooting the computer normally.

This is precisely what happened on Friday, July 19th. An update to the CrowdStrikes Falcon application caused a critical failure in Kernel Space, resulting in a Blue Screen of Death on EVERY Windows machine it was installed on!

Imagine breaking the temperature controls on EVERY house that used a Nest!! Like Nest, Falcon didn’t break the temperature in all houses. Falcon only broke the Windows computers it was running on, which is why it wasn’t a Windows outage but a CrowdStrike Outage. Falcon was also running on Mac and Linux machines, but this part of the code worked differently and was unaffected.

In summary, just as an update to a smart thermostat’s app without updating its core control system can lead to issues with your home’s temperature control, an incomplete update to a driver in Kernel Space can cause severe problems on a Windows machine.

This example shows why it’s essential to keep all parts of a system, whether a thermostat or a computer, in sync to ensure smooth operation.

Want More Details?

I highly recommend this video if you want a deeper look at the issue.


I wish all the best to the IT teams working on resolving this issue, as well as to the developer who made a mistake at Crowdstrike. We're all human and we all make mistakes. Hopefully, not only Crowdstrike, but many others will learn some valuable lessons from this unfortunate event.

The July 19th CrowdStrike Windows Glitch Explained was originally published in Code Like A Girl on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Code Like a Girl

CrowdStrike Outage: If only Technology could have stayed within limits!

Blue screen of death!♦Wikipedia Image

My husband, who was supposed to take off from Bangalore, India, airport at 6 PM, took off at 10 PM. The Microsoft Global Outage was the most talked-about episode on July 20th, 2024, and history was made.

Yesterday, millions of Windows computers encountered ‘The Blue Screen of Death’ (BSOD), a critical error screen displayed by Microsoft Windows and ReactOS operating systems. It appears when the system faces a severe issue that prevents it from operating safely.

A flawed update from CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, caused a crash in Microsoft’s operating system, leading to widespread disruption across multiple industries and platforms due to the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD).

It caused stress and frustration worldwide as millions sat stranded in airports, failed to pay bills online, or even called 911.

According to a Forbes article this is a global issue with widespread impact.

“Planes have been grounded in the U.S., trains in the U.K. are impacted, as well as boarding scanners at Edinburgh airport in Scotland.”

Another article on WIRED states

“Banks, airports, TV stations, hotels, and countless other businesses are all facing widespread IT outages, leaving flights grounded and causing widespread disruption, after Windows machines have displayed errors worldwide.”

The impact extended beyond computers to servers and various other systems. An influx of requests from users, devices, services, and businesses triggered failures across Microsoft products, specifically Azure Cloud and Microsoft 365. The issues with Azure precipitated further distinct disruptions in 365 services.

The cascading effects highlight the world’s reliance on Microsoft and a few cyber security firms like CrowdStrike.

Was it an intentional act to sabotage the reputation or an error in quality control?

As of now, it appears to be a lapse from CrowStrike’s quality control. But how and why did it end up so far? It is strange to believe when technologies have evolved where we have better ways of rolling out changes. Or has the ecosystem become too complex to foresee this outage? Or were they simply complacent?

Why was only Microsoft impacted and not Mac or Linux?

The CrowdStrike driver for Windows posed a problem even without an update. While Microsoft exercises governance over kernel-mode drivers, the issue in this case was not the driver itself but the configuration responsible for initiating the CrowdStrike driver. The configuration provided to the driver from outside kernel mode was flawed. Since Mac and Linux operate differently, this issue did not affect them.

Even though it wasn’t Microsoft who did not introduce the issue, this situation has undoubtedly brought to light numerous disconcerting inquiries regarding Microsoft’s substantial monopolization of the technology sector.

Why was the update rolled out all at once?

The tech community often espouses the wisdom of ‘rolling out in phases, one region at a time.’ Despite this well-known methodology, global outages still happen. Where was the lapse in the process, and why?

The statement underscores the uneasy truth that software companies encounter limited litigation for significant disruptions and cybersecurity incidents. With minimal penalties, it asks whether there is sufficient motivation to implement more substantial changes.

However, I ask

What repercussions should software firms face when flaws in their code cause major disruptions?
When a car manufacturer incurs severe penalties for defective brakes, a software provider can typically release an update and move on!


It isn't Microsoft’s fault, as it was CrowdStrike’s update! It was a hidden threat that Microsoft wasn't aware of. Microsoft just can’t run away blaming CrowdStrike!

“Their IT stack may include just a single provider for the operating system, cloud, productivity, email, chat, collaboration, video conferencing, browser, identity, generative AI and increasingly security as well,” a CrowdStrike vice-president, Drew Bagley, said. “This means that the building materials, the supply chain, and even the building inspector are all the same.”
What about the external damage?

The software firms might have paid some heavy price for the outage and the reputational damage.

What about the external, indirect damage caused by the hospital’s failure to take up emergency cases? Airlines are creating loads of work, flight cancellations, delays, payments, etc. that will take months to balance out. This is a huge damage that has gone in.

Those who needed unavailable emergency services, hospitals, airports or government agencies were at a loss. The rest of society has not only grown dependent on digital mediation and computation without much input because these processes are driven by absolutist economic firms, not democratic political actors.

Will this outage shift the monopolization dynamics?

This outage will transform the utilization and reliance on one technology giant. It will challenge the dependence on a single tech behemoth, undermining their efforts to dominate the entire ecosystem, including operating systems, cloud services, email, MS Teams, collaboration tools, video conferencing, browsers, identity management, generative AI, reporting, and even security.

This sparks a debate on centralization versus decentralization.

I leave here with an open question.

Where is the right balance between what needs to be centralized and what does not? Do we need some guidelines there?

I am happy to read your comments below.

CrowdStrike Outage: If only Technology could have stayed within limits! was originally published in Code Like A Girl on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Centre in the Square

Upgrades underway at Centre In The Square include new seating (CTV Kitchener)

Thank you to CTV Kitchener for doing an article on our new seating renovation!

Click here to read the full article

Elmira Advocate


 What a hoot. Sandy appoints a councillor to be both the Chair of TRAC as well as their spokesperson who has zero experience.  Granted not zero experience in life, in politics, in twisting the English language but in regards to his portfolio i.e. the remediation of the Elmira Aquifers and of the downstream Canagagigue Creek. Poor, old Nathan Cadeau has been doing his best to "fake it till you make it"  likely for close to a year now and as long as he is speaking to people of equal lack of knowledge he can fake it really well. He definitely has talent in that department. 

I have of late been poking the bear. Nothing else has worked to date. They've always hidden behind the Min. of Environment (MECP) as well as their "citizen" committees such that they can support the status quo (i.e. what the polluter Lanxess wants) while at the same time talk big about citizen involvement and alleged longterm cleanup goals. While the long term is here and 1) the Elmira Aquifers are not drinkable (i.e. potable) and 2) the downstream Creek is a mess of DDT, dioxins, PAHs, lindane, mercury, PCBs and more. 

Firstly I asked for formal responses to my concerns about the failure to pump the off-site wells to their TARGET pumping rates as set by Lanxess's consultants.         Nothing!

Then I asked for a response to me concerns about the failure to pump the on-site Upper Aquifer (UA) wells to the historic values they've been pumped at since 1997-98.           More Nothing!

Then I commented on the first TRAC meeting in which Joe Ricker advised that neither NDMA nor chlorobenzene in Elmira could ever achieve drinking water standards due to some mystery/magic known as "asymptotic behaviour".  I flatly stated that Joe was mistaken and then proved it and asked for a formal response                                  Nada!

The next TRAC meeting was June 13/24. Here I hoped that TRAC/Woolwich might feel that a response to my formal comments mentioned in the previous paragraph would be appropriate. Who was I kidding? TAG/TRAC have not responded to any written Delegations from myself since their first meeting in September 2015. So yet again            a big fat  NYET!

Throughout all this Nathan and other fellow travellors and guilty parties have been blathering about collaboration, respect and constructive dialogue. They also claim that this latest attempt at public consultation (TRAC) is the real deal. Which it is for Elmira at least (Totally Rotten & Corrupt).

On Saturday, July 13, 2024 I both posted here and sent a copy to Woolwich Township. The title was "The Dirty, Lying Twits".  It was a fairly detailed history of the DNAPL coverup here in Elmira by Uniroyal Chemical and successors. At the end of it I made a serious suggestion that Council have an independent hydrogeologist interview me for several hours to find out where all the hydrogeologic skeletons are in Elmira. So far to date zero response to either my detailed DNAPL info presented nor to my serious suggestion that a truly independent hydrogeologist with no ties to Lanxess/MECP (financial or other) interview me.  Same result as always  -whining about tone and lack of respect-  But continued Refusal to acknowledge concerns, offer ideas, solutions, dialogue on the problem        i.e.  Head In The Sand, Ostrich Like Behaviour .

My comments of Saturday, July 20, 2024. further explained the extent of the corruption required to hide a problem as serious as DNAPLS thoughout Elmira, both on and off site. I also included the unfortunate reversal by APTE  leaders on this DNAPL matter. Was the private deal they were offered either the facade of a permanent seat at the table or did it include promises of Creek cleanup decades down the line? I also gave Woolwich their second challenge namely to debate me publicly regarding both the Aquifers cleanup and the remediation of the downstream Canagagigue Creek.  Apparently Woolwich don't want to talk about it. Their specialty is private, closed door sessions with dirty polluters and their regulators all the while refusing to discuss any of these matters with citizens who aren't their lapdogs.  In other words informed citizens with both backbones and only the public interest in mind need not attend. 

 Woolwich Township you are CHICKEN through and through.

Children and Youth Planning Table of Waterloo Region

CYPT & SWRIL award youth $70,000 to address local challenges

From an inclusive book club to a basketball court, 12 youth projects are building the Waterloo Region of the future.

WATERLOO REGION – Twelve projects by Waterloo Region youth receive $70,000 in funding as part of the Youth Impact Project (YIP) by Children and Youth Planning Table of Waterloo Region (CYPT) and Smart Waterloo Region (SWRIL).


On June 8, over 100 youth from 15 local organisations pitched their ideas to a panel of nine youth. The Youth Decision-Making Panel (“The Dragons”) decided which projects would receive funding to make their idea a reality. The Youth Impact Project looks to fund youth who are addressing local challenges which are identified through the 2023 Youth Impact Survey results. The funded projects include a focus on supporting youth mental and physical health, increasing feelings of belonging, and responding to climate change and food insecurity.


“Young people are not only the leaders of tomorrow — they are the experts of today on the challenges that impact them,” said Karen Redman, Chair of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo. “There is no one better than our youngest residents to champion innovative solutions and build the resilient, vibrant Waterloo Region of the future.”


“It has been exhilarating to be part of the behind-the-scenes outreach, training, and engagement of the Youth Impact Project collaboration! By “training the trainers”, including United Way staff, we are accessing innovative and compassionate ways to engage the youth of our community. Investing in the ideas of youth, to solve community challenges creates new avenues of inclusion and pathways of critical thinking. We can’t wait to see how small grants will turn so many of these pitches into reality,” said Joan Fisk, Chief Executive Officer of United Way Waterloo Region Communities.


SWRIL and CYPT announced the Youth Impact Project in March. With funding from the Region of Waterloo and United Way Waterloo Region Communities, SWRIL and CYPT established a $70,000 fund to put directly towards youth ideas.


After two weeks of deliberation, the Youth Decision-Making Panel awarded funding to 12 projects. The projects that received funding are:


“Kairos” pitched by Mihret, Semere, Delina, Ekram, Hanan, Brian, Abdullah, and Abdiasis from Camino Health and Well-being. A six-week summer program for newcomers ages 14-18. The program will have trades and employment workshops, like working in a manufacturing class and creating resumes, so that newcomer youth and their families don’t view university as their only option.


“Book-a-pedia” pitched by Tanitoluwa, Jason, Oke, Zino, and Phoebe from Nigerians in the Region of Waterloo. A book club designed to build a more inclusive community. This is a club where the stories bridge understanding and connection by focusing on books by racialized and Indigenous authors, they highlight diverse experiences and perspectives. Regular sessions will be held where youth can discuss themes such as identity, confidence, and resilience.


“YTCYC” pitched by the Youth Council from Langs. Soccer, snacks and shirts will be a free event for grades 1-5 in Cambridge at the Langs Gym. The event will include a free soccer tournament that will include 20 kids. The group would like to provide the kids with a free lunch, fruit smoothies and a free shirt.


“Dream Builders,” pitched by youth from the Somali Canadian Association of Waterloo Region. A summer program for youth aged 12-17 to address food insecurity and climate change through interactive cooking and gardening workshops. In this six-week program, they plan to implement hands-on learning workshops with two groups of youth. The group will also employ local post-secondary students with culinary and agricultural backgrounds.


“Churchill Basketball” pitched by Natu, Jasmin, Salar, Landon, Saif, Rabia, Teena, Abdullah, and Gurleen from Kinbridge Community Association. The group wants to renovate their outdoor basketball court, which is used by many schools and community members. The group has a plan mapped out that includes making connections in the community, engaging with contractors, assessing and planning, and holding fundraisers.


“Team Belonging” pitched by Niya and Hanan from Volunteer Waterloo Region. The welcoming table wants to encourage newcomers to their school group where they can combat hunger and discrimination to create a more welcoming environment. Many students go to school hungry and experience bullying. This program provides students with a safe space to work and gain volunteer hours during lunch on Mondays.


“Project Astraeus” pitched by Aabjosh, Josh, Abbas, Hamza, and Marcus from GreenHouse. This group wants to build a network to empower connections and foster solutions to real-world problems. There will be chapters of community or school members who will create a solution to a real-world issue while fostering hands-on learning in STEM. They will provide a complementary launch kit tailored to the chapter’s unique solution. At the end of each fiscal period, an annual conference will be held where chapters will showcase their project, prizes will be given out, and they will be able to connect with innovators in the industry.


“Summer Youth Market” pitched by Chloe, Dichhen, Emraan, Natalie, Hillary, Sri, and Miqdad from Kitchener Youth Action Council. A market where youth can sell their goods and services to the community. This group will be fundraising for a local organization called OneRoof, a local, non-profit organization that supports youth who experience homelessness. The group has already connected with the City of Kitchener to see who can run the market at Victoria Park.


“Empowering Newcomers” pitched by Leen and Victoria from Kinbridge Community Association. A beauty program that teaches young women about hairstyling and aesthetic techniques while also sharing insights into topics that are important for young newcomer women, like self-care and confidence. The program encourages a sense of belonging and empowerment while also building community.


“Voices4Youth” pitched by Ali, Ali, Ekrema, Wal, Omar, and Harith from Adventure4Change. A drop box in the community to collect anonymous ideas from people who have ideas about what should be done to help the community. The group also wants to have a media platform where they can interview key members of the community to see what the community needs most to determine how they can help be part of the solution.


“Youth-Led Circles: We Are the Future” pitched by Bill, Billy, Sri Vatsa, Xavier, Ana, Angela, Arsema, Marmawit, and Mhret from Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre. This group’s goal is to provide safe spaces for newcomer youth who may experience discrimination in the community and provide them with a space they can feel comfortable in. Sessions will include mental health sessions, environmental sessions, and cultural diversity so youth can learn about the other cultures in the region.


“Youth Fun Fest” pitched by Anna, Harsimar, Peace, Tijesuni, and Aisha from Social Venture Partners Teens. A youth fun fair for all KW youth that will include carnival games and more. It will take place outdoors in a local park in early September near the beginning of school as a warm welcome. They are planning on having local performers, booths for youth led vendors and food trucks to bridge the gap between the community and youth.


SWRIL and CYPT will showcase each of these youth groups and their projects on social media in the coming weeks. Follow them on Instagram and Twitter at @smartwatregion and @cyptwr to see how the projects come to life. You can also learn more about the projects at swril.ca/yip.

The post CYPT & SWRIL award youth $70,000 to address local challenges appeared first on Children and Youth Planning Table.

Code Like a Girl

Casting C# Spells: Inheritance and RPG Fun

you’re a wizard harry

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Code Like a Girl

GitLab Productivity Hacks: Metrics that Matter

“Measuring developer productivity isn’t just about tracking output; it’s about understanding the journey from idea to implementation…

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Elmira Advocate



                                                                                                                      July 20, 2024

Zero Formal Responses To Citizens Reports, Critiques and Concerns

In a democracy politicians are not permitted to simply have to listen to their fellow parlimentarians, legislators or party caucus. Good gosh they aren't elected by those eminent shawinigans but by their constituents living in their ridings. You would think municipal politicians would be even more aware of that. Not here in Woolwich Township. Also you might think that municipal politicians might respond even more regularly and cogently with citizens who have separated themselves from the pack by not being toadies, co-optees or deferential to persons espousing the status quo.

After 35 years it is impossible to believe that Woolwich Township are simply mistaken. Nobody can remain blind, deaf and stupid for that long unintentionally. Once again quoting Saul Bellow “A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.” DNAPLS were the first exposure of corruption and following coverup back in the very early 90s. Out of context quotes allegedly from Stan Feenstra (hydrogeologist) made by Brian Beatty (Morrison-Beatty) were exposed resulting in the “consolidation” of Brian Beatty according to Dr. David Ash . At a later point Brian Beatty threatened legal action versus The Woolwich Observer for their truthful and accurate reporting. Those actions may have soured relations between myself and the Observer for decades.

Then came APT Environment's major rollover whereby Sylvia Berg convinced APT members that there was no reason to get upset over the Ministry of Environments' December 10, 1993 acceptance that no more than a token removal of free phase DNAPL from RPW-5 and a touch from TPW-2 was acceptable. This was after Susan was in India, Sylvia , Glenys McMullen and I hammered out a three or four page document clearly showing where both residual and free phase DNAPL were on site and readily accessible for removal. That document was dated I believe in September 1993 and yet two months later without a whisper to me Sylvia reversed herself. More than strange.

Interestingly several months after Susan came back from India in 1994 APTE quit UPAC over their acceptance of Uniroyal's proposed Upper Aquifer Containment & Treatment System (UACTS). It was grossly under-designed and intentionally incapable of satisfying the M.O.E.'s Control Order demanding full hydraulic containment in all aquifers on the Uniroyal site. The M.O.E. however, similar to the Waterloo Region District School Board, seemed to feel that if Participation Medals were O.K. for kids then surely they were fine for God fearing, Christian espousing, local, chemical polluters. So for close to six years UPAC carried on with very few formal citizens on their “citizens' committee”. Woolwich and all the other government authorities who abandoned Elmira residents never clarified intelligently the Ministry abandoning their own Control Order. They did however carry on with both APTE and the Environmental Hazards Team routinely factually undermining Uniroyal/Crompton's bullcrap while speaking from around the table as full citizens with rights, whether formal members of UPAC/CPAC or not. This is in stark contrast as to how the power and authority shifted after 2000 when former councillor Pat McLean assumed the Chair's position at CPAC with support from mayor Billy Strauss.

DNAPLS have floundered ever since with highs and lows but never any real action or removal. Quoting Richard Clausi “When all was said and done, more was said than was done.” Both Jaimie Connelly and Mr. Ruland (hydrog's) seemed to get their sh*# together somewhere around 2007 and wrote some more than average honest opinions on the presence of DNAPLS but it was either poorly distributed, buried or forgotten. All of these reports are available but don't expect Woolwich, MECP, Lanxess or GHD to voluntarily cough them up. Fortunately, fortuitively and perhaps pre-emptively I've got copies of most of these documents. Of course over the decades I've produced documentation to videographers, reporters, and citizens. Funny isn't it how seldom to never any of the corrupt bodies have asked me for written backup of this or that. The cowards.

With enough accurate technical evidence to support the presence of both residual and free phase DNAPL, the issue seems to have a life of it's own. It's a lot like the real DNAPL itself. It's the engine that could. It's a very bad contaminant but despite official, corrupt attempts to bury it over the decades it's still the albatross hanging around Uniroyal and successors' heads. Wake up long retired APTE members. Sylvia 's been long gone for decades but she sure hoodwinked you guys in order to get Richard, Esther and I off of APTE.

Currently Sandy has appointed a five minute wonder to be Chair of TRAC. Geez after Dr. Richard Jackson, then Tiffany Svensson and now Nathan has the standard ever plummeted. I mean I grant you with Pat McLean the Chair from 2000 on it was bad, but really Nathan? I suggested in my missive from last Saturday the 13th that Woolwich Council needed to step up and get an independent and honest hydrogeologist hired to work here in Elmira providing peer reviews of reports and more of all the crap that continues to flow downgradient. That of course is what I've been doing for decades but of course our litany of councillors are far to sophisticated and worse to do any such thing. They are also far too inexperienced still yet to know how they are being constantly played. At least some of them.

Getting back to Nathan there is nothing more provoking than a five minute wonder with absolutely zero experience having the nerve to even comment in contradiction of an event that occurred ten, fifteen or twenty years ago, to someone who was there, participated and fought that particular battle.

Here's my second challenge to Woolwich Council. So far no feedback on my strong suggestion that you send me an independent hydrogeologist to sit down with me for several hours to learn where the hydrogeologic skeletons are buried. If you are unwilling, unable or just plain chicken-sh*# then hear's my second challenge. Close to twenty years ago I was constantly trying to get Susan to sit with me in a public DEBATE against Crompton/Chemtura & Conestoga Rovers (CRA) . I assured Susan that the two of us could easily smoke that pack of unscrupulous swine and we could have. Today Susan would have to sit with Lanxess because I find debating with a knife in my back uncomfortable. So here's the challenge:


There will be independent time keepers, recorders and media present.

Alan Marshall

KW Habilitation

July 22, 2024: What’s Happening in Your Neighbourhood!

Get ready to groove at the Wayback Festival on July 26 – 27, 2024! Join in for a day packed with music, entertainment, and endless fun. With timeless hits that’ll get you dancing, it’s a must for every music lover. This year, Tom Cochrane will be live in downtown Kitchener!



KW VegFest Summer Pop-Up 2024 is here for its 7th year! Everyone is welcome to this exciting summer event. If you’re curious about sustainable food and climate action, this is the place to be. Enjoy an afternoon filled with free food samples, face painting, and valuable information on climate action. Explore a variety of vendors offering delicious pizza, Caribbean, Turkish, Jamaican, East Indian cuisine, and baklava. Bring your friends and family for an unforgettable day of fun, food, and eco-friendly vibes!



The For the Love of ButterTarts Festival is returning to Elmira for its 2nd year! Imagine a Saturday filled with delicious butter tarts, lively music, and a vibrant vendor marketplace. It’s the sweetest event of the summer, perfect for a fun day out with your besties. Don’t miss out on this delightful summer celebration!



Click here – Activity search | Active Kitchener (activecommunities.com) – to see what’s happening at Downtown Community Centre

Click here – Activity search | Active Kitchener (activecommunities.com) – to see what’s happening at Forest Heights Community Centre

Click here – Activity search | Active Kitchener (activecommunities.com) – to see what’s happening at Huron Community Centre


There are plenty of ways to get out and about in Waterloo Region outside your neighbourhood association including:



Tuesday, July 23, 2024
5:30PM – 6:30PM
Victoria Park – 32 Dill Street, Kitchener, Ontario
Pupilates (downtownkitchener.ca)


Pups & Poses

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
6:30PM – 7:30PM
Victoria Park – 32 Dill Street, Kitchener, Ontario
Pups & Poses (downtownkitchener.ca)


Live at Lunch

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
12:00PM – 1:00PM
Carl Zehr Square – 200 King Street West, Kitchener
Live at Lunch (downtownkitchener.ca)


Yoga in the Park

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
12:30pm – 1:15pm
Civic Centre Park – 101 Queen Street North, Kitchener
Yoga in the Park (downtownkitchener.ca)


DTK Latin Heat

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
7:00PM – 10:00PM
Carl Zehr Square – 200 King Street West, Kitchener
DTK Latin Heat (downtownkitchener.ca)


Taylor Swift: Trivia Through the Eras

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
TWB Co-operative Brewing – 300 MIll St, Unit 1


Roos Island Music Series

Thursday, July 25, 2024
7:00PM – 8:00PM
Roos Island, Victoria Park – 32 Dill Street, Kitchener, Ontario
ROOS ISLAND MUSIC SERIES (downtownkitchener.ca)


Movies in the Park

Thursday, July 25, 2024
Waterloo Park, Near the Bandshell


Sunset Sessions

Friday, July 26, 2024
7:00PM – 9:30PM
Volgelsang Green (Queen & Duke Street)

Sunset Sessions (downtownkitchener.ca)


Bingo Speed Dating (ages 28-38)

Saturday, July 27, 2024
7:00PM – 9:00PM
Waterloo Brewing – 400 Bingemans Centre

BINGO Speed Dating Ages 28-38 @Waterloo Brewing (Kitchener) Tickets, Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite


Waycool Vintage Market

Saturday, July 27, 2024
2:00PM – 8:00PM
Guakel Block, Downtown Kitchener
Waycool Vintage Market (downtownkitchener.ca)


Roos Island Music Series

Sunday, July 28, 2024
2:00PM – 3:00PM
Roos Island, Victoria Park – 32 Dill Street, Kitchener, Ontario
ROOS ISLAND MUSIC SERIES (downtownkitchener.ca)


LCB Band – Music, Jokes, Snacks and Fun!

Thursday, August 1, 2024
KW Habilitation – 99 Ottawa St


Rockin’ it at Rockway Concerts

Wednesdays until August 28 2024
6:00PM – 8:00PM
Rockway Centre, 1405 King Street East, Kitchener
Rockin’ it at Rockway (todocanada.ca)


Neighbourhood Market

Wednesdays in July & August, 2024
9:00AM – 12:30PM
216 Mill Street (Mill – Courtland Community Centre)
Cash Only


Willibald’s Summer Music Series

Wednesdays until September 25, 2024
5:00pm – 8:00pm
1271 Reidsville Road, Ayr
SUMMER MUSIC SERIES | Willibald Farm (drinkwillibald.com)


Uptown Waterloo Night Market

Thursdays until August 29, 2024
7:00PM – 10:00PM
FREE (food donations)
Waterloo Public Library – 35 Albert Street, Waterloo, Ontario
Uptown Waterloo Night Market (todocanada.ca)


Main Street Music Series in Cambridge

Thursdays July & August, 2024
5:00PM – 7:00PM
Lower Main Street, Downtown Cambridge
Main Street Music Series in Cambridge – Explore Waterloo Region


The Gaslight District Summer Market
Sundays in July & August, 2024
12:00PM – 5:00PM
64 Grand Avenue South, Cambridge
♦The Gaslight District Summer Market♦ | Facebook


The Elmira Sunday Night Concert Series

Sundays until August 25, 2024
7:00PM – 9:00PM
Gibson Park – 17 First Street West, Elmira


If you would like your event or activity featured in our “What’s Happening In Your Neighbourhood” post, please reach out to us at connecting@outandaboutwr.ca


The post July 22, 2024: What’s Happening in Your Neighbourhood! appeared first on KW Habilitation.

The Backing Bookworm

One Big Happy Family

One Big Happy Family is a story that has a great 'locked room' setting in a secluded boutique hotel right before a massive storm is about to hit. A very dysfunctional family meets at this hotel that is owned by their family to hear the reading of the will of their not-so-dear old dad. 
The Bishop sisters, Vicki, Faith and Iris, along with a couple of spouses and kids have more baggage than Samsonite, many axes to grind and even more secrets they'd rather keep hidden. The cast also includes the lawyer who has come to read the will and a few staff members, including nineteen-year-old Charley, an extremely naïve, down-on-her-luck chamber maid at the family-owned hotel who tells the story.
The story is divided into four parts, but despite the short chapters, this was an extremely sloooowww story that will require readers to suspend disbelief. We get the backstory on several characters which explains the animosity, but I found many of them to be caricatures with the rhyming teen too odd and over-the-top. There are some good dysfunctional family secret reveals (a la Jerry Springer) but the actual mystery and Charley as the protagonist were weak and the culprit blatantly obvious from the start. 
While this wasn't a good fit for me, but if you're looking for an atmospheric family drama with murder and colourful but despicable characters and a locked room mystery vibe, you may want to give One Big Happy Family a try.
Disclaimer: Thanks to St Martin's Press for the advanced copy of this book which was provided in exchange for my honest review.

My Rating: 2.5 starsAuthor: Jamie DayGenre: SuspenseType and Source: ebook from publisher via NetGalleyPublisher: St Martin's PressFirst Published: July 16, 2024

Book Description from GoodReads: The newest, riveting summer suspense by the author of The Block Party, Jamie Day.
The Precipice is a legendary, family-owned hotel on the rocky coast of Maine. With the recent passing of their father, the Bishop sisters—Iris, Vicki, and Faith—have come for the weekend to claim it. But with a hurricane looming and each of the Bishop sisters harboring dangerous secrets, there's murder in the air—and not everyone who checks into the Precipice will be checking out.

Each sister wants what is rightfully hers, and in the mix is the Precipe's nineteen-year-old chambermaid Charley Kelley: smart, resilient, older than her years, and in desperate straits.

The arrival of the Bishop sisters could spell disaster for Charley. Will they close the hotel? Fire her? Discover her habit of pilfering from guests? Or even worse, learn that she's using a guest room to hide a woman on the run.

With razor-sharp wit, heart, thrills, and twists, Jamie Day delivers a unique brand of SUMMERTIME SUSPENSE.

Kitchener Panthers

Panthers pile up runs, but lose third straight game

LONDON - Another high scoring affair goes the wrong way.

An eight-run seventh innings proved to the difference as the London Majors took down the Kitchener Panthers 16-13 Sunday afternoon.

Six lead changes came about in this back-and-forth affair, which also saw 11 different pitchers come into the game.

Both Blake Jacklin and Raul Gonzalez went four-for-five. Gonzalez led the way with three runs driven in, while Jacklin hit his second triple of the season.

Nick Parsons extended his hitting streak to 15 games with a single, while Nolan Misa has hits in seven straight outings.

AJ Karosas hit his first home run of the season as part of a four-run third inning for Kitchener. That made it 5-2 visitors at that point. London scored four of its own in the bottom half of the inning to make it 6-5.

The Panthers got the lead back with a four-run sixth inning, but disaster struck in the seventh.

London posted eight runs on seven hits, sending 13 batters to the plate and forcing three pitching changes in a lengthy 35 minutes of action.

Jose Vasquez saw the lions share of action on the hill, going four innings and giving up seven runs (six earned) on eight hits. He fanned six batters and walked two.

Adam Robertson was tagged with the loss. He came on in the seventh and walked three straight batters before he was taken out. Those three batters all came in to score to give London the lead.

Jonathan Henry collected the win for London. He gave up one run on two hits in an inning of work. 

Kitchener has now lost its last two games by a combined score of 35-30.

The Panthers have lost three straight games after winning six of its previous seven.

Kitchener will host Hamilton Thursday night for our Christmas in July game! First pitch is at 7:30 p.m.