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My cat is lost…


My cat is lost, his name is Oscar. He is 7 years old, on the chubby side and is a ragdoll felis cat (white and grey). He has been lost around 10:30 pm on July 26th and it was on Paris BLVD road WATERLOO (beside like Canadian tires, BMO, A&W). He is microchipped, it’s now 3:30am and I am still looking on the streets, I would appreciate if anyone finds him to contact me.

If you find him please contact me at +15195771084

I just really want to find my baby! ❤️

submitted by /u/LearnMarket_
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Should I go to therapy?

Before all the proponents of therapy start screaming "YES", know that I've tried counselling a couple of times. I am not opposed to therapy because I think it's bad or because it couldn't help, I'm simply uncertain about it being the best move for me. I understand that it could benefit me a lot in the long run, it would be a lot of effort and emotional strain on me. The time before I start seeing results or even manage to meet a therapist/group I can wholeheartedly trust would also take a lot of time.

With that out of the way, to anyone with opinions on the matter, I have a couple of questions:

  1. Has therapy or any other drastic change in your life helped improve your long term mental health (barring temporary setbacks) in any way, how so and why do you think it worked?
  2. How would taking a break from school affect my career and friendships, also is there any benefit to not procrastinating on this and doing this after I finish my undergrad?
  3. To anyone who suspected they have ADHD or something similar, how valuable is a second opinion? (the one professional I asked said I don't have it and I didn't think too hard about it after that despite the weird suggestion, you don't have it but you should talk to a specialize, but recently the doubts creep up again I just can't shake the relatable nature of stories I hear about other people and creators with ADHD) How much should I listen to these thoughts?
  4. When dealing with burnout, stagnation, imposter syndrome, dread, apathy, loneliness?(can't tell if its this or just apathy or paranoia) and a bunch of other shit (I honestly don't know what I'm dealing with right now, just using the words that seem somewhat relatable) what are the best strategies that have helped you?

I have a few more questions that I can't articulate at the moment, but I think I'll address those in the discussion below(hopefully there is one) before I chicken out from even posting this.

I know I've been vague with details about who I am, I just didn't want any of that biasing anyone's opinions and also while I love my friends, I'm not too keen on them reaching out about this right at this moment. I'm open to answering any questions in dms. On that note, if you do wanna just talk about anything, I would appreciate the distraction from the swarm of negative thoughts in my head, feel free to message me about anything lol.

submitted by /u/ChallengeNatural4846
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Fall housing

Does anyone have any recommendations for where to look for an 8-month sublet? (I’m also open to a 1-year lease takeover at this rate) I’ve spoken to so many people already, but they always end up choosing someone else to sublet to😭 please help I don’t wanna be homeless in the fall

submitted by /u/goosegoose3000
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Keyboard in DC

submitted by /u/inapproppriateuser
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submitted by /u/MathDizzy8188
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Uptown Waterloo

Anyone know what the f is going on?? I'm at Willis way station waiting for the 5 bus and 3 cruisers cone flying down the road stopping at me asking if i seen a fight and I said no, I judt got here...and now the 3 cruisers, a firetruck and 2 ambulances are all piled into the parking lot behind valuemart area.

It has to be bad but Jesus anyone have any idea???

submitted by /u/RCamateurauthor
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Secondhand stuff from dorms

What’s that event called that happens for the school to sell stuff they found left behind by graduates in the dorms?

submitted by /u/risa0272
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Does anyone know the PHYS 358 midterm 2 average?

Did midterm 1 but skipped #2, so I don’t have a crowd mark grade for it.

Did it in my own afterwards with an 80 minute timer and then checking my work with the solutions and needless to say I did pretty shit. Was wondering how I hold up with the rest of the class to see if I am royally f*cked for this final.

submitted by /u/Personal-Werewolf-26
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I used to work at that scummy company for months and all they do is try to push a membership on people so they can bite on it and forget about the renewal that happens a year later, they also lie about the plans they have with rogers where they can lower the prices of their infiniti plans, when i worked at deco, they never even TAUGHT US how to show this to the customer other than to go on our website. I always end up hearing back from customers that have called rogers and rogers don’t even know who we are 😭.

On top of that, things that have happened to me personally, I worked there for 4 months and never ended up getting my training pay, along with some reference money (i got three people hired), overall this company is like a pyramid scheme and if you get your windshield repaired from here, most likely it’ll be a “professional” with two days of training.

submitted by /u/zetoru
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HRS sent my info to Collections, need advice

I was looking at apartments for fall and went to view one for HRS property management. The agent showing me told me that I can sign a lease but will have to pay a deposit to ‘lock down’ the apartment. I told her about my situation and she said as long as I haven’t paid the deposit, my tenancy would not be confirmed. She also said I could pay the deposit at a later time. I agreed and signed the lease. An important note is that reason I did not want to sign was because my study permit extension had not been issued.

Fast forward about 12 days, HRS sends me an email that it is not the landlord or HRS’s responsibility that my study permit has not arrived and I still have a legal obligation to make the deposit and pay rent since I signed the legally binding contact (lease agreement). They also mentioned there are no grace periods for lease agreements and I have to make the payment by the new deadline or they would be sending my balance to a collection agency. I tried to explain my situation to them again and requested a release from he lease due to my situation, but they rejected it and said that email was the ‘final warning’ before they sent my information to the collection agency. I tried to request for a review again, but they disregarded me and sent my details to collections.

I understand I made a very stupid decision signing the lease before I was ready. I had never dealt with property management agencies before and all the landlord I have had previously were pretty understanding. I am very anxious about what to do and would really appreciate any kind of advice or resources. I would like to know if I have any grounds to dispute the debt. I have attached images of my conversation with them, hopefully it gives more context. Again, I am aware that I made a very, very stupid and expensive mistake and that is my own fault. I was not in the best mental space and wanted to get my house search over with as soon as possible. I hope you guys can be understanding.

TLDR: wanted to opt out of a signed lease before moving in and HRS sent my info to debt collectors







submitted by /u/SpreadCheap5224
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AFM 112

Hello for me I have online lecture and in person tutorial for this class and I belive I have weekly test. I’m wondering how hard are these test are they multiple choice true false. As well would my quiz be online or in person thanks.

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Pin2934
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Fitness training on budget

Hello! I’m looking for an affordable way to start exercising again.

I really enjoy strength training, and it’s the right fit for my body. Few years ago I was able to afford to a GoodLife physical trainer, but it will be very difficult with the current finances. I tried working out with YouTube videos, but I mess up my form, or lose motivation quickly.

Any recommendations/suggestions of fitness trainers/gyms in Waterloo area that could help me? I’m okay with Kitchener as well, but cannot do Cambridge.

I have an extremely busy schedule, so a flexible option would be great.

submitted by /u/Character-Deer-7159
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Pregnancy Photoshoot Location Recommendations

Hi All! My wife and me are looking for outdoor location recommendations for photoshoot in or around KWC to be carried out early morning

Thanks a ton!

submitted by /u/Space_md
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Why is AFM 291 considered hard?


submitted by /u/Lonely-Bug-6586
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Security Clearance

What is the process of getting security clearance like for a co-op job?

submitted by /u/Spare_Marionberry_15
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Double major

I’m currently enrolled to start BBA first year in September. I’m looking to switch to BBA/CS double major. What’s the likelihood of getting accepted. I’m mirroring the double major classes for my first year before getting into the program.

submitted by /u/Realistic_Ad1367
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Part time job in kitchener-Waterooo area

How did you get a part-time job as a university student?

I've been looking for a part time in kitchener Waterloo area but I can't get one. I've tried dollarama, Walmart, local pharmacy, a warehouse. But they either aren't hiring or I just don't get the job.

Edit: I'm in Laurier, not UofWaterloo

submitted by /u/Impossible-Ad-3711
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Anyone ever interview with Gem for a swe role? new grad

submitted by /u/uw_finest
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Affordable Curly Hair Salons?

Hi everyone, sorry it’s a bit specific but just wondering if anyone knows of a hair salon that specializes in curly hair that is somewhat affordable? The last two places I have been are Virtuoso in Waterloo and Curve hair studio in Kitchener. both places start at $80 for a hair cut, even when I request no washing/styling. I only need trims but can’t afford 80+ dollars every time I go. Anyone have any luck elsewhere?

submitted by /u/Bitter_Theory5467
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Scenic drives in and around the city?

Looking for good drives which are around an hour max from the city. Would be good to get to a beach or a lake. Or just generally nice spots to maybe have a picnic or watch the sunrise or sunset.

submitted by /u/SquashPractical5096
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HELPPPP security clearance

I have got my first coop to work for the federal government. During the security clearance, they ask me to provide references from my previous coop or university. But this is my first coop, and I had all large-sized classes, it is hard for me to find teachers that know me. Plus, school is going to end, and they will be out on vacation. I dont know what I can do? Was anyone in a similar situation as mine before, and it is okay to have the university classmates for a reference check? I am so anxious, and I dont know what to do

submitted by /u/AccomplishedPlan6215
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265 Regina Housing

So I just signed the lease for Lexington Park and going to move in this September but I saw the reviews from here saying that is it the worst place to live, I have a few questions to ask

  1. How can I cancel the lease

  2. Anyone who lived in there before I would really appreciate if you tell me how it feels like living there

Thank you so much! I am really panicking now since I saw a post that says its full of cockroach

submitted by /u/Famous_Fennel8361
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Aita for looking at my phone while walking?

Yesterday while i was rushing to my bus i looked up the timing of when my bus was arriving, outside near the Wilfrid Laurier Bench Statue, and a 40-50 ish year old white man completely berated me for looking at my phone while walking. Made a huge scene and yelled at me telling me to get off my phone and look up. Considering it is a huge path and he could have easily walked around me, I still can't get it out of my head considering i only looked down on my phone for a few seconds and i'm also of south asian descent so for some reason it felt like that added on to his anger. Yes it was inconsiderate of me to look down at my phone but still have no idea why he unleashed on me like that.

submitted by /u/Worth_Bike4135
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Health and dental

How do you op out from Health and Dental?

submitted by /u/anonim0791
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Advice for First Grand River Kayak Trip

I'm going on my first kayak trip on the grand river tomorrow and I'm just going over the safety info on their site. We are both decently strong kayakers, but we've never been kayaking on the Grand before. The website says that all the dams and hazards owned by the conservation authorities are marked. But what about other dams/weirs/hazards that aren't owned by the conservation authorities? Are they marked, or will we see/hear those hazards? I tried contacting the Conservation Authority but wasn't able to, so any tips from anyone who's kayaked the Grand before would be great!

Thank you for your advice!

submitted by /u/clyff312
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How's the Forest Heights School?

Hey everyone, I'll be starting at Forest Heights High School after the summer break and I'm curious to know more about it. Can anyone share their thoughts on the quality of education there and the overall environment? I'm also interested in knowing about the social scene and whether bullying is an issue at the school. Let me know, thanks!

submitted by /u/SaiCraze
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Intersection of Ottawa and Fischer Hallman

If anyone is familiar with this intersection they know it's busy and congested even when there is no construction during high traffic times. But what they are doing there now is insane. There used to be a dedicated right turn lane from southbound Fischer Hallman to Ottawa which is obviously designed to reduce congestion and keep traffic flowing. They are removing the dedicated lane and making that right turn lane have to stop in order to turn onto Ottawa west now which is clearly going to create a back up of traffic on the bridge over the highway.

You know, people say it's a conspiracy that there is a war on cars in this town but I don't know how you deliberately do something that will cause more congestion in a city with a growing population that is still filling the streets with new cars and say there isn't anything weird going on in city planning.

submitted by /u/balloonknotmcgee
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Didn’t apply for res and now regret it. Anything I can do to still get in?

So originally I was gonna live on res but I was worried about my food situation I needed my own kitchen to cook cus I’m an athlete. I’ve been tryna find an of campus place and it’s a headache I really jus wish I did res. Do u guys think if I email the school or something they can get me in? I’m a first year for clarity.

submitted by /u/No_Cranberry_2746
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eng c&d

how is that place not shut down literally everything is expired

submitted by /u/confushishkebab
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looking for roommate bouckaert hall


submitted by /u/hiba786
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geog 181 exam

ummm what the fuck. or am i just stupid

submitted by /u/lovelypeachesmusic0
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UW flow

is uw flow no longer updating courses for the next term?

submitted by /u/peace2321
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Where to go shooting in Waterloo region?


I have .22 and my wife and I are looking to see what ranges we can go to shoot?

We tried range 519 but they don’t allow drop ins and arnt taking any new members.

submitted by /u/Zeoth
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Anyone good at physics?

I desperately need help with something for work (they want me to do some physics calculations and write a report on it)

Problem is that I can solve physics problems in exams/test but I have no physics knowledge/common sense for the real world

If anyone here is good at physics, would it be possible if you could message me and help me. Pls I am desperate, I can tell that my boss and manager thinks I am stupid and incompetent

submitted by /u/Successful_Return732
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2 dogs spotted on Ottawa St N

Spotted two dogs running loose on Ottawa St N near Breckenridge Dr. One german shepard and one german shepard mix? (looks similar to a german shepard but with a longer coat and light in colour) I think one was wearing a pink collar. Spotted them around 1:55pm incase anyone is missing them.

submitted by /u/NoOutcome2114
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Cyclist hit by car

Looks like a cyclists has been hit by a car that was exiting the Tim Hortons on Fairway Road. He didn't appear to be moving, I hope he's ok.

submitted by /u/Particular_News_9890
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For some reason I can't smell linden trees this year

I love the smell of lindens in the summer, but, this year, after a brief ability to smell them when their season first started, nothing! I can smell other things though. Is there something happening with them this year, has anyone else experienced their delightful smell?

submitted by /u/darcymackenzie
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Major section of Concession Street to be closed for repairs

submitted by /u/Wanadran
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Can anyone recommend a Home Inspector ?(Specifically for a residential Roof Inspection)

Thank you

submitted by /u/LongoSpeaksTruth
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What is the male female ratio in the kitchener doon campus ?

submitted by /u/Secret_Gas_1163
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Can CLAS 104 no longer be used towards CSE credit?

Under list C for the CSE courses, CLAS course code is now listed as ineligible for credit. Has anyone had difficulty using it as credit towards CSE? I’ve already enrolled and am wondering if I can still take it or not? Thank you!

submitted by /u/Infinite-Flow-9878
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New species of Drain Fly discovered in V2 showers. 'Clogmia Vivekta is an exciting new species' says Professor Stephen Smith, 'To our astonishment, it seems to subsist entirely on desperation and shed skin cells'

submitted by /u/Reasonable-MessRedux
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Still unemployed

What now? do I do nothing for next 4 months???

submitted by /u/downbadneedhelp123
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Obtaining SSN in the US as J-1 Visa holder

I'm starting an American co-op in the fall and need some advice pls.

After applying for my SSN, do I have to stay in the US during the 10-day grace period, or can I travel abroad? I've heard conflicting information: some say leaving the US would invalidate my application and require me to start over, while others say it's allowed. I can't find much information on this online.

Could anyone who has done American co-ops share their experience or PM me? I was just planning a quick trip to US and then coming back after to get the process started.

submitted by /u/_wowfantasticbaby_
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Anyone looking for Covid rapid tests?

Shoppers at Fairway and Wilson had a whole bin fill of rapud test kits by the checkouts this morning.

submitted by /u/Particular_News_9890
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One Card for Grad Students

If you go to Laurier for undergrad and come back for graduate studies do you just keep your original one card or do you have to upgrade it in some way?

submitted by /u/DryMathematician9556
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Who's Going to LEAD in Brantford?

Potent extrovert who's still nervous about making friends 🙃

submitted by /u/BananaHotRocket
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17 Year Old Arrested in Kitchener shooting investigation

♦ submitted by /u/hossb0ss
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Meal Plan Question

So I am living on res in an apartment-style. We have a choice to get the apartment plan ($2678.54 OneCard Flex Dollars) or 5-7 day all access meal plan ($7,220.44 for 7 day, $6,676.56 for the 5 day plan).

What are the benefits of each and which one do you guys recommend?

submitted by /u/CategoryFar5869
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I‘m a math alum happy to help refer you to finance tech jobs in HK

Dear alum,

Note: I have one huge company looking for interns for 8-16 months (but salary is gonna be much lower than listed below as I was originally looking for full-times).

This is Mr. 35k USD again. If you have the right exp and are willing to relocate to HK for a lower salary, I have a ton of connections in the finance industry for programming/technical jobs.

Some jobs are as low as 35k USD net (like myself) and up to 150k USD for stronger candidates. HK is expensive, but surely one could survive with the tips I have. And the tax rate is only 17% even for top earners and one can get a visa easily.

Note: I do not ask for anything in return, nor will I unveil my identity or ask you for yours.

All I ask is a redacted resume or an overview of your qualification.

submitted by /u/ResidentSurround1690
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