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Grade 11 who needs help for Math Minor and Honour Arts Major

I'm in grade 11 right now and I am planning on majoring in fine arts (the honour's arts program) at u of waterloo. I want to become a teacher in the future so I'm planning on selecting math as my minor. I'm not too sure on the entire process of getting a minor, nor do I know how many courses I need or how that works. I was looking at the website but I couldn't figure out which math to take (Mathematics or Pure Mathematics) as I dont want to have super hard courses that stress me out way too much.

If someone can break down the process and explain how the minors actually work and how many courses I need in a year (and/or overall), I would appreciate to greatly!!!!

submitted by /u/kai_flower
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final exam schedule

hey guys when is the final exam schedule going to be out? it says halfway through the term but after reading week?

submitted by /u/IntelligentHotel2717
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People who haven’t found summer sublet

For people who haven’t found summer sublet, what have you usually done to recover the money? I’m getting a lot of non students who are willing to pay to live for four months, is that a safe option?

submitted by /u/EurasianZaltpetre
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Took this high-angle shot of the bus terminal today

submitted by /u/the-real-toad
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Canadian Collegiate TCG Tournament

TCG players! Please join us in the Canadian Collegiate TCG tournament happening February 22. If you are attending a college or university in Ontario you are invited! This event supports prizing with a trophy if you win one of the main 3 tournament(yugioh,Pokémon,magic) but it does require a fee for entry depending on when you sign up.The details and sign up are here forms.gle/gAbheEYrzS2ERCadA we hope to see you here!

submitted by /u/Madscientist_469
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Cadillac Fairview (CF) removed from Fairview Park Mall?

Was at the mall the other day and noticed workers removing all the Cadillac Fairview logos from all the Fairview Park Mall signs. Anyone know what’s going on with that?

submitted by /u/ShelbyZ24
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MA103 Midterm

Does anyone have any advice on what to focus on. I have heard many horror stories regarding the MA103 midterm. Did anyone take the midterm last semester, if so any tips to achieve the maximum score. Thank you, any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Slight-Movie-6441
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Dubai Chocolate Strawberries

Any store in KW selling the viral Dubai chocolate strawberries?

submitted by /u/AdBrilliant8453
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The Tale Of My Stolen E-Bike(Rant About The KW Cops)

By Popular Request! I'm detailing the story of my stolen E-Bike & How I Got Her Returned To Me.

So I bought this bike back in August of 2022, from a gentlemen out in St. Clements.

when I got it, it didn't have a license plate, nor any of my additions, and the battery was shit. Got 2 hours of riding, for 16+ hours of charging.

I spent a year riding, applying decals, & having fun.

About May of 2023 I tipped the bike over by accident, and regrettably snapped the pedals off. Upon further inspection, I saw the point where the pedals attached wasn't there anymore, so they couldn't go back on. At least not without a welder.

One morning, on July 18th, 2023, I wake up for work, go down to the parking garage, only to find the bike's key slot was all fucked up from some dipshit trying to use a screwdriver to turn it on. Took a few weeks to get her up and running again without a key(didn't have the cash for a replacement key slot).

Then, one night, on Aug 21st, 2023. At 2:15am the tracking device I hid on the bike told my phone she was being moved. I raced down to the parking garage, and I found her stolen.

Followed the GPS tracker to Downtown Kitchener to 321 Wellington Street West, and found her in the backyard

I called the cops, and was told they're very busy with a stabbing down in Kitchener, I said "...All of you?" and was told that my bike takes a backseat to a stabbing. I gave up and said ok... and waited....

19 hours later, after the GPS was either found & turned off, or the battery died, they got back to me to take my statement, & find out where it was now according to the tracker. I said "well it's dead now. you took too long!" they said "oh, well that's unfortunate"

they took my statement, and when I described the guy who came out and yelled at me for looking at my bike through his fence, she nodded and smiled and said "yup we know who he is" "great! let's arrest him" "we can't. unfortunately, he has a lot of transients in the building with him, and that prevents us from doing our job"(paraphrased)

".....So what you're saying is 'sorry, there's nothing we can do'? like every single officer I've ever called for help in this city?"

"yeah, I know it sucks, but unfortunately there really isn't much we can do." "....so what's stopping me from becoming a bike thief to make a living? Because clearly it's a viable career choice." "well, it's illegal, and if we catch you, you'd go to jail." "well, EVIDENTLY NOT!" and she kinda nodded in defeat and said "what do you want from us?" "to put the thieves in jail, get the stolen property back. & get a grateful citizen in return! Not that much when you think about it."

long story short, she said nothing would be done. My bike was gone.

Since the police basically said "we're useless, you wont get it back. Sucks to be you." I threw the pedals & washer out, & tried to move on.

Then one day, about a month afterwards on September 27th, 2023, I had a gut feeling I should check out the place my bike was taken, and low and behold, she was there, being taken apart & spray painted in the backyard

I called the cops, and got put on hold for 25 minutes until I got through and was told they're very busy with 100+ phone calls, I said "fuck it. I'm doing it myself." they said "well, I wouldn't do that, he might have a gun." "oh, he does."(I'd done research on him, and knew someone who dealt with him personally) "well that's why you shouldn't go back there, right?" "well, it's not like you could stop me right? Since you're busy with a hundred+ phone calls." "well... I... Uh..." "yeah, that's what I thought. Pretend this call never happened."

I hung up, and waited 90 seconds, and got a call back from a sergeant "hi, this is sergeant so-and-so, I'm down the street, I'll be there in 30 seconds, PLEASE don't go into his backyard."

And then, within 2 minutes, I had 4 cruisers outside this guys house, with a total of 8 cops.... So I guess they had space for me in their 100+ calls after all. XD

20 minutes later, I'm walking my bike back home in a piss-poor condition and spend the next year getting her put back together which included:

-Soldering The Key Hole Wires To The Wires Leading To The Controller(The thief had stripped the wires & tied them together in order to make the bike turn on, bypassing the key-slot altogether)

-Replacing the battery box that was missing

-Replacing the missing Gas Tank Lid & Key Slot

-Replacing the seats that had mystery fluid stains on them(gross)

-Replacing The Missing Anti-Theft & Wireless Starter Device

-Replacing the mirrors that were broken

-Replacing The Fairings By Finding a company that supplied the fairings necessary, since Daymak Discontinued the EM2(Armada was happy to help, providing me with the fairings for the Commander 3, except the front fender, which CLEARLY wouldn't fit)

-Spray painting the gas tank & front fender fairing black(say THAT 3 times fast)

-Applying my decals & gas tank protector.

And on September 27th, 2024 EXACTLY 1 Year after getting her returned to me, the last fairing went on, and she was fully repaired...........

The Thief was not arrested, charged, or penalized in any way for stealing my bike, fucking it up, & leaving me to spend the cash needed to put her back together to the best of my ability.

The police were only helpful when I lit a fire under their ass saying "I'll do it myself"

And I posted something to instagram which made me feel SOOOOO much better about the whole situation(linked in the comments below)

And then, after ALLLLLL of that....... I find a motorcycle nearby I can afford, proceed to buy it, acquiring my license, getting her insured, & rendering the e-bike inferior by comparison.

Hense, why I'm selling her.(Ad linked below)

And that's the story.

Thank's for taking the time to read. :)

Post Script: Since 2013, I've had to call the police around 10 times with the same results.

If you call the cops 10 times, over 10 years, for 10 different problems, and 10 different officers arrive, but they all say the same 2 lines: "sorry, there's nothing we can do" when you explain the problem & "I wasn't the officer here last time, so idk what you want me to do." when you point out the last officer you called also said there's nothing they can do, would you ever call them again?

I won't be. I can recognize a pattern.

submitted by /u/Jedi_Guy770
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Looking for a GERMAN woodworking/Cabinet making shop

Hi Kitchener. First time poster. I'm looking for some pointers in the right direction or just any advice overall.

I'm a 24-year-old Canadian German and want to seriously pursue woodworking as a career.

I studied and worked in hospitality previously, and then switched fields about 2 years ago, so I'm a little behind in regards to having years of experience in this field. I've worked in carpentry, as well as cabinet maker shops.

More than anything I'd like to work under the instructions of a German cabinet maker or woodshop, with a German owner or even just German employees.

If anyone here knows of such a business, in kitchener or anywhere in Ontario, please kindly point me in their direction.

I know Kitchener Waterloo has a significant German heritage so I thought I would post here directly and see if anyone knows a shop or otherwise German communities that I could get in touch with.

About myself:
- Grew up in Germany for 16y, in Canada for 8y.
- Bilingual (fluent)
- Only 1-2 years of experience, but very hungry to learn
- I'm currently in Barrie ON, but I'm willing to relocate to anywhere in Ontario
- Very punctual, reliable, precision-oriented, typical German cultural traits
- My own transportation
- Good with running social media for advertising and marketing

Thanks in advance for any responses.


submitted by /u/TheStyxSoul
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$5 Lasagna

Giant Tiger has a 1kg lasagna, macaroni with beef and macaroni with cheese frozen dinners right now. Haven't tried them yet but for that price I'm sure you could add chicken, jalapeños etc for a quick cheap meal and have enough to spare for garlic bread.

submitted by /u/fatdoobiez
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Best Public & Private Schools in Kitchener for a 4- year old?

Hi everyone,

We’re moving to Kitchener in a few months and are looking for recommendations on the best public and private schools for our son, who will be 4 years old this year. We haven’t bought a house yet, so we’re open to any neighborhood with great schools.

We’re looking for a positive learning environment where teachers are supportive, especially since our son is shy, introverted, and takes time to adjust to new environments. A school that helps children build confidence and feel comfortable would be ideal.

Would love to hear your experiences and recommendations! Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Chill_vibes_onlyz
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ec285 midterm 1

for anyone who took the midterm before do you guys know if the midterm had any portfolio analysis questions? or questions on covariance and correlation

submitted by /u/justforuni
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submitted by /u/Confident_Action_266
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Schneider's Woods preservation update~~?~~!!

Update: Google has gotten better at sorting things into categories I guess? This The Narwhal article only showed up when I switched to "News". It doesn't seem like the Record covered this.

Successful donation! With alternate measures that mean requiring a parking lot was dropped. Public support was a factor; yay us!

Last year Schneider's Woods was under threat of not being donated to rare.

I've just noticed that the donation has gone through but I never heard any further news about this.

Did the conflict over the parking lot get resolved or dropped? Or something else happened?

Was public support a factor?

Did I miss a Record article?

Googling hasn't pulled up much. -- Ah, beans, see update at top.

submitted by /u/studog-reddit
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J1 Visa for PhD internship in US [Canadian Citizen, Ongoing UWaterloo PhD]

Hi all,

I am a canadian citizen currently doing a CS PhD at UWaterloo. I am considering doing a PhD research internship in US in summer but is unclear about J1 visa. Can PhD students do a J1 internship in US? do they need to do a co-op term? does anyone here have similar experience?

submitted by /u/Competitive_Being826
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Cp164 midterm advice?

What small details were worth marks but easy to overlook on the exam?

submitted by /u/Quick-Explanation-77
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will the uni close cause of snow??

what are the chances they cancel classes cause of freezing rain/snow that starts late wednesday till thursday

EDIT: ok it seems like i hoped too much -- the uni will not close. thank u fellas

submitted by /u/ContractOver1442
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PSA: 5 former prime ministers say fly the flag on Saturday to stand up to Trump

♦ submitted by /u/bylo_selhi
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Can anyone post X's hiring stats

just curious, and currently not able to view myself.

submitted by /u/Due_Independent_8026
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Are there any updates or progress with the recent referendum vote?

Pretty big voter turnout, but still no updates as far as I know. Would love to hear otherwise though!

submitted by /u/Mtndewslt
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PS365 Midterm

I just wrote the 365 midterm after preparing for it for weeks now. I’m going to say that 80% of the questions were focused on two chapters, and 10% were focused on the chapter with the most content - naturally the one I studied the most. I counted, out of 58, almost 30 questions were regarding one chapter alone. The most recent chapter, and the one we didn’t even have a lecture for. How is this allowed without mentioning it beforehand? How do you construct a midterm so poorly??

submitted by /u/luciferlol
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Got four midterms tomorrow should I email my profs or is it too late

Thought I could do and I planned out everything but it turns out, I’m a pretty slow reader and fell really behind. I’ve gotten through about 40% of the expected content for each class. I thought I could do it until last night when I realized I really can’t. I’m feeling very very very fucked and I’m fucking exhausted. Even if I push through and get through some more content, I’m so exhausted. Should I email or is it too late.

submitted by /u/unlessiammyself
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Road Maintenance

Is it just me or has winter snow maintenance in the tri cities been horrible this year? I took the highway the other day around 8 a.m. during the week to avoid the bad weather on the residential roads, but the highway wasn't even plowed - no snow plow in sight. Just me?

submitted by /u/EmploymentSea6342
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Looking for some hot tea shop suggestions, with different varieties and where we can sit down and chat (not bubble tea)…


submitted by /u/RogueSquirrel38
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Contests AFTER the AIF submission (mathematics)

Title, but will they mean anything. For context, haven't done a single math contest but put ill do the euclid in 2025. The CEMC is soon and I've signed up for it, but I'm wondering if waterloo will even see or consider them since they'll be after the due date, and euclid seems to be the only one they care about as that's the only one they ask if I'm gonna do post aif submission.

submitted by /u/Business-Week4389
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For anyone who’s had HBF for 264 is his practise midterms questions the same as the actual midterm I have someone say they’re the same. Please help thanks.

submitted by /u/Background-Syrup1954
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Issue with a loud talker in MC LAB

Lately, there's been an individual who consistently talks VERY loudly on Teams calls in the MC LAB 3005, to the point where it's incredibly disruptive. His voice is SIGNIFICANTLY louder than the combined voices of everyone else in the lab, even when it is packed.

One TA, another student, and I have repeatedly asked him to be quieter, but the problem persists. It's making it difficult to concentrate and study, especially with midterms coming up. Has anyone else experienced this issue in LAB 3005?

submitted by /u/Dry-Blacksmith-4410
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How important is a cover letter?

Currently applying in cycle 2 on Waterloo works — is it worth it to make personalized cover letters for jobs that don’t require one? Is it a waste of time? Will they even read it?

submitted by /u/ElectronicOwl321
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ppl who don't flush should be publically flogged

that is all

submitted by /u/rjdnl
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Manulife internship

Have anyone ever interviewed for Manulife? How long does it take for the company to get back to you?

Thank you

submitted by /u/butbi
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Withdraw or low 50 on a course?

Bit of a weird situation right now. Due to personal and family issues I messed up on the first month of a COMMST course I'm taking. I need to pass the course with a 60 minimum to fulfil my requirement but the way things are going I don't think thats achievable. So I'm left with two choices: try my best for now and see how much I get (probably a low 50), which will be enough to just pass but not fulfil my requirement, or WD and do the course sometime later. I guess my question is, does a WD look worse than a low 50 on a transcript given both options will lead to me doing the course again anyways?

submitted by /u/falsepinkk
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submitted by /u/annatixn
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Someone stopped me at E7 saying he’s homeless

It’s the stair from first floor to second floor, I was confused and a bit scared tbh so I just said sorry and moved on

submitted by /u/Visible-Atmosphere72
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BU463 Midterm 1

Thoughts? Got cooked lowk

submitted by /u/Holiday_Fisherman11
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Ec223 room

Anyone knows where's the room for tomorrow midterm, she didn't announce anything yet

submitted by /u/Savings_Flow3925
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ECON101 in-person midterm with Mikko Packalen

Bro what the hell was that

submitted by /u/BowelJuice
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Snow Day

Chances for a Snow day tomorrow?

submitted by /u/416ca
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Conditional offer letter to study post Degree studies instead of Bachelor Degree

Hi Guys,

Please help me understand the Conditional Offer letter i received from Wilfrid Laurier to Study Post Degree Studies in Faculty of science, Instead of Bachelors in Computer Science since I have already completed my Bachelors in Commerce in 2016 from my home country. I am Rooting to study Bachelor Degree in computer science and i do not want to go for Post Graduate studies as i would miss the Basics and might be difficult for me to catchup.

Can i Request University to let me study Bachelors. and Please help me understand what is a sequential Degree. Website says we can request it if we recieve a conditional offer letter like my own to study a second degree. What are the chances of getting it approved? Please Suggest me.

submitted by /u/SeesawWonderful9996
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So guys is there a halal option at subway in bricked academic. I see some Muslims eat other options apart from tuna. So does subway have a halal option at this location only?

submitted by /u/Informal_Cup3026
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All County Electric

What ever happened to them? I remember them being a pretty reliable electrician to call on when you needed help.

submitted by /u/Comfortable-Angle855
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Owner of Hespeler property challenges city on land severance refusal

submitted by /u/Wanadran
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The Struggle is Real Navigating WLUs Wifi Like Its 2008 Dial-Up

Can we talk about the WLU wifi for a second? It's like a game of Where’s Waldo but with your internet connection. Sometimes, I feel like I’m sending emails via carrier pigeon, waiting for a signal to even load my lecture slides. If you’re not dropping off the Zoom call every 10 minutes, are you even really on campus? Someone fix this, please.

submitted by /u/boarecom
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Marit at KW Chamber of Commerce

♦ submitted by /u/Ok-Sun-6894
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CP104 midterm

Hello everyone, I have a CP104 midterm in two weeks and I want to start preparing. For those who have taken this course before, what kind of questions should I expect? What is the best way to study? Are the questions more coding, theory, or a mix of both? Any study tips or resources that helped you?

submitted by /u/AggravatingProcess84
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Math electives for credit

From the following course codes which one has the easiest math courses (for someone who hasn’t taken any math yet - no math prereqs): ACTSC, CS, MATH,STAT

Has anyone taken any of the following math courses and give a rating of difficulty and recommendation?

  • ACTSC 221

  • CS 200

  • CS 105

  • CS 114

  • CS 115

  • CS 135

  • Math 106

  • Math 114

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Klutzy-Society7774
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Local Bakery for Marble Slab Cake

Does anyone have any recommendations for a local bakery that does marble slab cakes? My wife always used to get a birthday cake from Norris Bakery and I want to try and find her something similar to that.

submitted by /u/jonherringwork
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TFP photographer

Hi!! I need a TFP photographer for some model photoshoots, any recommendations here in Waterloo?

submitted by /u/GreenBroccoli9593
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Police chief applauds officer’s de-escalation in videoed takedown

♦ submitted by /u/bylo_selhi
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Waterloo Region District School Board forgoes director search, replaces jeewan chanicka with Scott Miller

Bypass: archive.ph/JYa53

submitted by /u/Wanadran
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