Weather: Cambridge
Current Conditions: Cloudy, -4.8°C
Condition: Cloudy
Temperature: -4.8°C
Pressure: 101.9 kPa
Visibility: 16 km
Humidity: 66 %
Wind Chill: -10
Dewpoint: -10.2°C
Wind: WSW 15 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 3
Weather: Cambridge
Weather: Cambridge
Current Conditions: Partly Cloudy, -5.0°C
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Temperature: -5.0°C
Pressure: 102.0 kPa
Visibility: 16 km
Humidity: 70 %
Wind Chill: -12
Dewpoint: -9.7°C
Wind: SW 21 km/h gust 30 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 3
Weather: Cambridge
Weather: Cambridge
Current Conditions: Cloudy, -4.0°C
Condition: Cloudy
Temperature: -4.0°C
Pressure: 101.9 kPa
Visibility: 16 km
Humidity: 71 %
Wind Chill: -11
Dewpoint: -8.4°C
Wind: SW 28 km/h gust 39 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 3
Weather: Cambridge
Saturday night: Flurries. Low minus 7.
Weather: Cambridge
Sunday: Chance of flurries. High minus 3. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Sunday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 4. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Monday: Cloudy. High plus 4.
Weather: Cambridge
Monday night: Cloudy. Low zero.
Weather: Cambridge
Tuesday: Chance of showers. High plus 4. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Tuesday night: Cloudy. Low minus 3.
Weather: Cambridge
Wednesday: Cloudy. High plus 3.
Weather: Cambridge
Wednesday night: Chance of snow. Low minus 2. POP 60%
Weather: Cambridge
Thursday: Chance of flurries. High plus 1. POP 40%
Weather: Cambridge
Thursday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 4. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Friday: A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 1.
Weather: Cambridge
Weather: Cambridge
Current Conditions: Sunny, -4.4°C
Condition: Sunny
Temperature: -4.4°C
Pressure: 102.2 kPa
Visibility: 16 km
Humidity: 70 %
Wind Chill: -13
Dewpoint: -9.0°C
Wind: SW 33 km/h gust 42 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 3
Weather: Cambridge
Saturday: Chance of flurries. High minus 6. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Saturday night: Flurries. Low minus 7.
Weather: Cambridge
Sunday: Chance of flurries. High minus 3. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Sunday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 4. POP 40%
Weather: Cambridge
Monday: Chance of snow or rain. High plus 2. POP 60%
Weather: Cambridge
Monday night: Chance of rain showers or flurries. Low zero. POP 60%
Weather: Cambridge
Tuesday: Chance of showers. High plus 3. POP 40%
Weather: Cambridge
Tuesday night: Chance of rain showers or flurries. Low minus 3. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Wednesday: Chance of flurries. High plus 2. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Wednesday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 4. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Thursday: Chance of flurries. High minus 1. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Thursday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 8. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Friday: A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 1.
Weather: Cambridge
Weather: Cambridge
Current Conditions: Mainly Sunny, -8.9°C
Condition: Mainly Sunny
Temperature: -8.9°C
Pressure: 102.6 kPa
Visibility: 16 km
Humidity: 85 %
Wind Chill: -17
Dewpoint: -11.0°C
Wind: SW 22 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 3
Weather: Cambridge
Saturday: A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 6.
Weather: Cambridge
Saturday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 7. POP 70%
Weather: Cambridge
Sunday: Chance of flurries. High minus 3. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Sunday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 4. POP 40%
Weather: Cambridge
Monday: Chance of snow or rain. High plus 2. POP 60%
Weather: Cambridge
Monday night: Chance of rain showers or flurries. Low plus 1. POP 60%
Weather: Cambridge
Tuesday: Chance of showers. High plus 3. POP 40%
Weather: Cambridge
Tuesday night: Chance of rain showers or flurries. Low minus 4. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Wednesday: Chance of flurries. High plus 2. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Wednesday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 3. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Thursday: Chance of flurries. High zero. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Thursday night: Chance of flurries. Low minus 10. POP 30%
Weather: Cambridge
Friday: A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 2.
Weather: Cambridge
Weather: Cambridge
Current Conditions: Partly Cloudy, -10.9°C
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Temperature: -10.9°C
Pressure: 102.7 kPa
Visibility: 11 km
Humidity: 92 %
Wind Chill: -17
Dewpoint: -12.0°C
Wind: SSW 13 km/h
Air Quality Health Index: 3